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South Korean power plant switches to biomass and upgrades precipitator

The potential for classification of biomass as a carbon neutral fuel provides utilities with the opportunity to economically lowering their CO2 footprint and improving emissions compliance by re-purposing aging coal fired assets. The conversion of coal fired plant to co-fire or to fire 100 percent biomass can be considered as a mature and proven technology which can readily be implemented while retaining fuel flexibility to meet future changes in environmental regulations and market conditions. In Europe and in many other parts of the world biomass is already playing a significant part in the drive to utilise an ever-greater proportion of renewable energy in electricity production. It is hoped that the current direction of the EPA towards a carbon neutral classification for biomass, as evidenced by its recent ruling, is a major step towards stimulating a similar trend in the USA. Dave Wilson is operation manager for Doosan Power Services. Mark Upton, a specialist engineer in boiler design+development at Doosan Babcock described the Yeongdong Power plant conversion in South Korea which included a precipitator upgrade.

Revision Date:  7/16/2019

Tags:  221117 - Biomass Power , Doosan, Korea Southeast Power Co, South Korea