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Biological Treatment or ZLD for FGD Wastewater

The Biological treatment process is perceived as the low-cost option to FGD treatment and the Zero Liquid Discharge process is perceived to be more expensive from a CAPEX and OPEX standpoint. While this is true, the difference is not as much as has been presented within the market by various engineering firms. In addition, there are options for achieving ZLD while reducing the costs associated with this alternative. Burns & McDonnell has postulated that the cost of biological treatment plants and ZLD plants are closely competitive up to 200 GPM whereas CH2M indicates the installed cost of ZLD to be three times that of Biological treatment. The equipment costs and estimated installation costs of the ZLD system generated by Aquatech paint a much more positive depiction of the relative installed costs of ZLD compared to Biological treatment.

Revision Date:  12/13/2018

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Burns & McDonnell, Jacobs Group, Aquatech, Zero Liquid Discharge