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Water treatment and cooling applications for power plants

Plant operators need a durable pump technology that is able to dose a precise volume of water treatment chemical, while maintaining a high level of operational reliability. This is one reason why hydraulic diaphragm metering pumps are preferred for a majority of water treatment applications in power plants. The pump’s ability to survive system upset conditions helps keep the overall plant infrastructure operating reliably, all while dosing the exact amount of chemical needed to keep operations running efficiently. Space in any plant is valuable, so operators prefer pumps with small footprints. Disinfection - is accomplished by dosing specific quantities of high-concentration sodium hypochlorite (bleach). When sodium hypochlorite comes in contact with bacteria, it oxidizes molecules in the cells of the germs and kills them. Even though this simple but harsh chemical has been used for more than a hundred years, it is prone to causing problems for pumps by “offgassing.” To solve this issue, the pumps used to deliver it must be able to pass the gas bubbles through without locking or clogging the pump.

Revision Date:  1/7/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, IDEX Corporation, Cooling Tower, Gas Turbine, Pump

Disinfection, pH adjustment are ways to facilitate greater water reuse in power plants

The effective management of water and wastewater investments can save power plants 1 to 2 percent annually, which adds up to millions of dollars each year. While these benefits may never equal the financial advantages of once-through cooling processes, they do enable power plants to use significantly less water. The criteria for selecting metering pumps typically includes flow rates, pressures and corrosion resistance (depending on what chemicals are pumped). Although plant operators and the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) firms that serve them have multiple options for pumping infrastructure, the most popular choices usually involve diaphragm or rotary gear pumps.

Revision Date:  1/7/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, IDEX Corporation, Cooling Tower, Pump

PTFE Membrane development by Idex reduces metering pump total cost of ownership

Through extensive research and development, IDEX has designed a new PTFE diaphragm featuring a unique chemical composition of PTFE that offers the best of both worlds—combining the benefits of PTFE with the temperature and high-pressure resistance of metallic diaphragms. The result is a smaller, lighter and less expensive pump suitable for the widest range of metering pump applications—from chemical manufacturing to refining to power generation to offshore oil and gas production, and for all forms of water and wastewater treatment.

Revision Date:  1/7/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, 212000 - Mining & Quarrying , 322110 - Pulp Mills , 322121 - Paper (except Newsprint) Mills , IDEX Corporation, Pump, Metering

Chemical companies can reduce total cost of ownership with the right mix of metering pumps

The four most common chemical metering pump applications in chemical manufacturing plants include: • Dosing precise volumes of chemicals to make products • Pretreating the process water to boost quality and efficiency • Dosing antiscaling chemicals to clean and protect plant infrastructure • Post-treatment of the wastewater prior to disposal. Each of these applications can be addressed by reciprocating pumps, which work by using a piston or a diaphragm to dose a precise volume of fluid with each stroke. Reciprocating pumps are highly engineered to provide extreme accuracy at high pressures and relatively low flows. Rotary gear pumps provide a cost-effective alternative for some applications. They work by moving fluid in a circular fashion between gears. Rotary pumps pick up fluid at the suction port between the gear teeth, and they carry the fluid around the outer diameter of the gears to the discharge port. Rotary pumps are best utilized in high-volume, low-pressure applications, and their flow rates can be controlled with variable speed drives. Each pump type has advantages, and they both come at different price points. By incorporating the right mix of chemical metering pumps, DowDuPont, BASF and other chemical companies have been able to save money without compromising on performance.

Revision Date:  1/7/2019

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, IDEX Corporation, Pump, Metering

Nuclear Power plants reduce total cost of ownership by replacing larger diaphragm pumps with rotary gear designs

Today, many nuclear power plants are realizing that they can save money and streamline operations by replacing larger, and more expensive, diaphragm pumps with smaller rotary gear pumps for the following reasons: Performance - Gear pumps are specifically designed to address high flow rates and deliver uniform, pulse-free dosing. Reliability – Chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite tend to off-gas when they come in contact with metal surfaces. However, non-metallic gear pumps feature a simple design that helps prevent off-gasing, which minimizes disruptions and helps to maximize uptime for water treatment operations. Safety - Because exposure to chemicals such as chlorine gas can cause respiratory issues for employees, great care should be taken to ensure that leaks do not occur when dosing hazardous chemicals. Sealless gear pumps offer fewer points of failure because there are no leak points for harsh chemicals to damage the pump or the surrounding equipment. Streamlined Maintenance – Easy access to the inner workings of a gear pump enables it to be maintained in place, which minimizes downtime by eliminating the need to lock out/tag out the pump and move it to the repair shop. The simpler the design is, the easier the pump is to maintain. This gives plant operators greater flexibility to schedule maintenance between shifts, or whenever it is least disruptive to do so. Smaller Footprint – Rotary gear pumps are compact in nature and they don’t require as many ancillary items as diaphragm pumps do (such as pulsation dampeners), so the overall size of the equipment package can be reduced.

Revision Date:  1/7/2019

Tags:  221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation * , IDEX Corporation, Pump, Metering