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HZ-inova Xerosorp captures acid gases, removes NOX and recovers heat

This device includes sodium bicarbonate injection into a reactor, recovery in a fabric filter and reinjection of captured solids. The cleaned gas then passes into a catalyst system which is efficient at removing NOx at temperatures as low as 200C. This catalyst is regenerated by including multiple modules. One module is regenerated while another module is cleaned. Cited advantages are • Very compact design • Reaches lowest emissions • Lowest Bicar consumption due to residue circulation • Damping of peaks due to high residue buffer capacity in the recirculation system • High energy efficiency due to: – Low pressure drop – Low regeneration rate of catalyst in offline mode  – Tail end heat recovery.

Revision Date:  3/11/2019

Tags:  562213 - Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators , Hitachi Zosen Inova, Dry Scrubber, SCR

Hitachi Zosen Inova utilizes lime based CFB scrubber for WTE applications

The HZI SemiDry process employs the principle of the circulating fluidized bed for efficient removal of acid gases by adsorption with hydrated lime. Recirculation of reagent maximizes reagent use and provides excess reagent to capture contaminant peaks. In addition, activated carbon or coke can be injected for removal of volatile organics and metals. Cited advantages are • Low emissions with a high flexibility relative to load or flue gas contaminant changes • Minimized use of lime as widely-used low-cost reagent • High energy efficiency compared to lime-slurry based systems • High availability and low O&M cost due to simple design and operation • Proven technology with long industry record of success

Revision Date:  3/11/2019

Tags:  562213 - Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators , Hitachi Zosen Inova, CFB Scrubber, Fabric Filter