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Power-Gen 2010 Orlando

This exhibition conference was held December 14 - 16, 2010 in Orlando, FL. McIlvaine has posted over 70 pictures of stands and people.

Revision Date:  12/14/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Victaulic, BWE Energy, Peerless Manufacturing, Howden North America, Nalco Mobotec, Pall Life Sciences, FD Services, Bachmann Dampjoint, Dongwoo Optron, Hilliard, Braden Manufacturing, Metso Power, Norit Americas, China Guodian, Effox-Flextor, Energy Products of Idaho, Outokumpu, Valve Manufacturers Association of America, Ceram Environmental, KE Burgmann, Air Liquide, Tsurumi Pump, DSI, ABZ Valve, P.B.V., Colfax, Dustex, Vaas Industries, Stanadyne, Cameron International, Philadelphia Mixing Solutions, Cat Pumps, ECOM America, DFT, McGill AirClean, Corken, Torishima, NWL Transformers, Callidus Technologies, Augusta Fiberglass, ITW Futura Coatings, Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group, Hamon Research-Cottrell, Donaldson Filtration Solutions, Synagro Technologies, Sandvik, Paragon Airheater Technologies, Siemens Energy, Aquatech, Hyunwoo Industrial, BTX, HKC, Roberts & Schaefer, Blome International, Nol-Tec Systems, Wahlco, WFI International, Graver Technologies, Calera, BWF America, Swan Analytical Instruments, Teledyne, CoaLogix, Thermo Fisher, Emerson Process Management, WahlcoMetroflex, Weir Power & Industrial, Haldor Topsoe, Exhibition, USA

Haldor Topsoe at Power-Gen 2010 stand pictures plus previous years info


Revision Date:  12/14/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, Exhibition, USA

NOx Catalyst Performance on Mercury and SO3 - Webinar April 14, 2011

Presenters discussed the current "state of the art" of SCR design and catalyst formulations relative to mercury oxidation and SO2 to SO3 conversion and discuss their applicability to various power plant configurations including fuel type (coal, oil and bio-fuels) and other APC equipment installed or potentially required for compliance, the catalyst’s NOx reduction capabilities, the affect on other pollutants and the key issues to be considered when selecting a catalyst.

Revision Date:  4/14/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ceram Environmental, CoaLogix, Haldor Topsoe, Mercury

Mercury Oxidation across SCR Catalyst by Karin Madsen - Haldor Topsoe - Hot Topic Hour April 14, 2011

Karin Madsen of Haldor Topsoe discussed the effect of operating conditions and catalyst type on mercury oxidation across the SCR catalyst. Up to 90 percent mercury oxidation is achievable depending on the inlet Hg speciation and the chlorine concentration. Greater than 91 percent mercury removal is achievable using existing control devices (the combination of the SCR-FGD strategy). Adding additional HCl above a certain point does not improve oxidation. However, bromine acts differently and therefore may provide greater oxidation with increased amounts.

Revision Date:  4/14/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, Mercury

Beneficial Byproducts of Coal Combustion and Gasification Webinar - April 28, 2011

A good discussion yesterday, April 28, 2011, covered flyash and FGD byproducts. One of the conclusions is that depending on the fuel and the proximity to byproduct users, there are attractive alternatives to limestone scrubbing. Another conclusion is that the disposal of any solids from power plants will be under greater scrutiny in the future

Revision Date:  4/28/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, Marsulex Environmental Technologies, Beltran Technologies, AECOM, Electrostatic Precipitator - Wet, Ammonia, FGD - Catalytic

SNOX Technology for Cleaning of Flue Gas from Combustion of High Sulfur Fuels by Erik Eriksson, Haldor Topsoe - Hot Topic Hour April 28, 2011

Eric Erickson of Haldor Topsoe updated participants on the Haldor Topsoe SNOX technology, an exothermic, catalytic process for the removal of SO2 and NOx from flue gas. SNOX generates additional heat recovery and merchant grade sulfuric acid. It is ideal for high sulfur coal and petcoke applications as it becomes more efficient and cost effective as the sulfur content of the fuel increases. In the discussion period it was agreed that this process can easily be adapted to the new toxic regulations by using sodium additives ahead of the particulate device to remove the HCl (without injecting enough to remove SO2).

Revision Date:  4/28/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, FGD - Catalytic

Production of Fertilizer and Sulfuric Acid at Coal-fired Power Plants - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour January 17, 2013

Fertilizer and Sulfuric Acid production at Coal-fired Power Plants

Revision Date:  1/17/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CEFCO Global Clean Energy, Haldor Topsoe, FGD, Carbon Capture, FGD - Catalytic, NOx, Air Pollution Control

WSA and SNOX Technology for the Production of Sulfuric Acid in Power Plants by Patrick Polk, Haldor Topsoe. Hot Topic Hour January 17, 2013.

WSA and SNOX Processes

Revision Date:  1/17/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, FGD - Catalytic, NOx, Air Pollution Control

Air Pollution Control for Gas Turbines Webinar - Hot Topic Hour September 19, 2013


Revision Date:  9/19/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Eneractive Solutions, Haldor Topsoe, SCR, Catalyst, Ammonia Injection Grid, Ammonia, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control

Air Pollution Control Catalyst and Technology by Craig Sharp, Haldor Topsoe - Hot Topic Hour September 19, 2013

Craig introduced a new catalyst.

Revision Date:  9/19/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, Ammonia Injection Grid, SCR, Catalyst, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control

Haldor Topsoe Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Haldor Topsoe, Inc. is recognized as the world leader in the development and supply of catalyst and technology for industrial processes and air pollution control. With a global presence encompassing 10 countries on five continents – and catalysis products involved in 90% of the world’s chemical processes, and 60% of all industrial production, Topsoe services the petro-chemical, hydrogen, syngas, ammonia, methanol, sulfuric acid, refinery, hydro-processing, coal conversion, and power generation industries worldwide with both catalyst and technology solutions.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, Catalyst, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control, Combined Cycle Journal