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Dry Sorbent Injection and Material Handling in Coal-fired Power Plants - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 7, 2012

There is a great deal of activity in evaluation of dry sorbent injection to meet the new MATS and CSPR.

Revision Date:  6/7/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, Breen Energy Solutions, FLSmidth, Nalco Mobotec, Gebr. Pfeiffer, Trona, Pneumatic Conveyor, Dry Sorbent Injection, Lime, CFD, HCl, SO3, Mercury, Reagent Preparation, Grinding

MPS Grinding Technology for Dry Sorbent Injection and Material Handling by Blaz Jurko, GEBR. PFEIFFER - Hot Topic Hour June 7, 2012.

Discussion on technology for dry sorbent material preparation and grinding.

Revision Date:  6/7/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Gebr. Pfeiffer, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, SO3, HCl, Mercury, Grinding, Reagent Preparation