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Combustion Optimization from Emerson

Measurement and control systems in the boiler can reduce Nox to as low as 0.1 lb/ mm btu. This presentation by Jeff Williams was made in the first Pacific Corp webinar. Jeff promised to show specific case histories in the second webinar. Advantages of SILO are 1. Knowledge gathering in on-line and off-line modes 2. Efficient adaptation mechanism inspired by operation of immune system 3. SILO II is able to adapt to different operating points and it is able to follow changes of the process characteristics. Thus the SILO performance is high in wide range of process operating points. 4 Extended run time of SILO system . The customer saves money on re-tuning the optimization software and has more flexibility in plant revisions. 5. No need for model creation process: 6. No identification experiments 7 No inefficient process operation. 8 No need to change the production schedule of the plant Feature : There are no off dispatch times needed for identification experiments.

Revision Date:  7/15/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, Emerson Network Power, NOx, Optimization