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Rings for Wind Turbine Gear Fabrication by Industeel ( Arcelor Mittal)

ArcelorMittal Ringmill is a subsidiary of Industeel located near Liège, Belgium, and specialized in ring rolling to serve markets such as windmill fabrication and yellow goods for construction and mining. The rings can be up to 4.5 m diameter and are typically used to fabricate large gears and bearings. ArcelorMittal Ringmill has the capability to heat treat the rings as well as pre-machining them for its customers. The raw material is Industeel's own high quality ingots and the capability represents a complementary fabrication range to the plate mills.

Revision Date:  5/16/2011

Tags:  221114 - Wind Power , Arcelor Mittal, Industeel, Gear Bearing

Special Metals in Air Pollution Control

Bob Mcilvaine writes about air pollution control and special metals.

Revision Date:  8/29/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Anguil, Johnson Matthey, Arcelor Mittal, McIlvaine, Industeel, Stainless Steel, Air Quality, Air Pollution, Air Pollution Control