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Ameren’s History and NOx Reduction and Testing of New Optimization Software - Electric Power May 10-12, 2011 by Scott Hixson, Performance Engineer, Ameren Missouri

Ameren has been a leader in lowering NOx emissions. In 1990 AmerenUE, now Ameren Missouri, an Ameren subsidiary, implemented a long term emission reduction program. Based on NOx emission rates in 2009, Ameren had 13 of the top 20 plants nation-wide including the top 4 for T-fired coal units without SCRs. These reductions can be attributed to the addition of OFA, boiler tuning, utilization of combustion optimization software, and Ameren’s dedication to reducing NOx emissions by maintaining a group of combustion engineers. Ameren will discuss recent advances in this area.

Revision Date:  5/12/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ameren Services, Selective Catalytic Reduction, Air Quality, USA

Taum Sauk Storage Dam Failure, Lessons Learned, and the Rebuild, Presented by Thomas Hollenkamp, Ameren Missouri, at Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, June 7-9, 2011, Champaign, Illinois


Revision Date:  4/14/2011

Tags:  221111 - Hydroelectric Power Generation 水力发电, Ameren Services, USA

Emerging Environmental Regulations and Their Impact on the Electric Utility Industry, Presented by Steven Whitworth, Ameren Services, at Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, June 7-9, 2011, Champaign, Illinois

Emerging Environmental Regulations and Their Impacts on the Electric Utility Industry Steven C. Whitworth, Ameren Services There are numerous environmental regulations in place that impact the electric utility industry. In the last year, the USEPA has announced an almost unprecedented number of new initiatives as well as revisions to existing regulations. This presentation will provide an update on several regulations that will impact the electric utility industry including the Clean Water Act 316(b) provisions for cooling water intake structures, a proposal to revise the steam electric effluent guideline limitations, the proposed coal combustion residual (CCR) rule, the proposed Clean Air Transport rule and Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards for hazardous air pollutants for electric generating units and other power plant equipment including industrial boilers and reciprocating internal combustion engines. The presentation will provide information on potential impacts of the regulations on power plants and a discussion of potential compliance options with a focus on a power plant perspective.

Revision Date:  4/14/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ameren Services, USA

Recent Operating Results of the Five New Wet FGD Installations for Ameren

Hitachi Power Systems America, Ltd. has recently completed the Start-Up, Performance Testing and several months of operation on the five (5) Wet Limestone Forced Oxidation Scrubbers (WFGD) installed in Missouri and Illinois for Ameren. Ameren Corporation is the parent of utility companies that serve 2.4 million electric customers and 1 million natural gas customers in a 64,000 square-mile area of Missouri and Illinois. This paper will discuss the project backgrounds along with the design and operating performance of the advanced SO2 reduction technology that was implemented on these five units.

Revision Date:  7/23/2014

Tags:  Ameren Services, Hitachi Power Systems America, Scrubber, FGD, Pollution Control