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Wet booster fans evaporate small droplets leaving the FGD scrubber

Alden Research Laboratory performed a study in 2012 into the environmental benefits of using wet booster fans, considering that these heat up the treated flue gas by 3 to 5 degrees C. The study included both thermodynamic calculations and physical tests using a laboratory scale model. The study showed that, at nominal unit load, (a) the booster fans will have the capacity to evaporate small diameter droplets contained in the wet gas including all of the water from the fan wash cycle and (b) raise the flue gas temperature sufficiently to enable the thermally insulated, Pennguard lined chimneys to maintain the flue gas temperature just above the water dewpoint, effectively eliminating condensate formation in the wet stacks. A properly designed liquid collection system in the outlet ducts and the chimney breeching will still be needed, to collect bigger droplets that may not have enough time to evaporate.

Revision Date:  3/13/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, TLT Turbo, Hadek, Alden Research Lab, Inc./ ARL, FGD, Stack, Fan