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Alcoa Warrick using Doosan HF Controls for direct operator interface

Doosan HF Controls have been in operation for several years at Alcoa’s Indiana coal fired power plant. Warrick Unit 4 was partially upgraded years ago and in a 2014 the DOS-based Engineering Work Station was upgraded to a Windows 7-based system. The inter-controller communication equipment was upgraded to have the directly connected MODBUS link to a separate Honeywell system which was upgraded to a faster MODBUS-over-TCP/IP communication link while adding a new Windows 7-based Operator Work Station installed for direct input. Unit 2 was using SBC-02 controllers with Patch-Panel programming from around 1990 . These controllers were upgraded to the SBC-05 controllers, The Patch-Panel code currently was converted to modern Boolean form. The directly connected MODBUS link to a separate Honeywell system was upgraded to a faster MODBUS over TCP/IP communication link while adding a new Windows 7-based Operator Work Station installed for direct input.

Revision Date:  7/18/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Doosan, Alcoa, Control System