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Advatech Designs Zero Liquid Discharge Systems As Well As Scrubbers

Advatech is a joint venture between URS and Mitsubishi. They have sold many scrubber systems in the U.S. Mitsubishi is the largest scrubber supplier world wide. They are now emphasizing their water management abilities including zero liquid discharge. Advatech Water Management: As concerns mount over the quality and quantity of our water supply, regulatory limits on water usage and discharge grow more stringent. In many instances, water usage brings with it a significant expense, and going to Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is either a necessity or an expected near-term requirement. ADVATECH has designed wet FGD systems for chloride concentrations up to 50,000 ppm so that the only source of purge is the free moisture in the disposal-grade gypsum. However, this approach can incur a hefty cost in the form of materials of construction and decreased limestone reactivity. To minimize cost, we have been at the forefront in developing low-capital technologies capable of eliminating liquid discharge from wet FGD while maintaining chloride levels in a reasonable range, all this without the need for an expensive and complicated wastewater treatment process.

Revision Date:  2/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221118 - Other Electric Power , Advatech, FGD, Zero Liquid Discharge System, OEM Prospect, Wastewater Treatment, USA

The Wastewater Spray Dryer, "The Simple Solution to Zero Liquid Discharge" by Norikazu Inaba, Advatech - Hot Topic Hour August 15, 2013

MHI has developed low CAPEX/OPEX technology for truly achieving zero liquid discharge (ZLD) from wet FGD to meet the stringent effluent limits.

Revision Date:  8/15/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Advatech, Wastewater Spray Dryer, Effluent Treatment, MATS, Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium, Nitrogen, Wastewater, Zero Liquid Discharge, FGD

Control and Treatment Technology for FGD Wastewater Webinar - Hot Topic Hour August 15, 2013

There are State rules in place which are requiring significant investment in treatment.

Revision Date:  8/15/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, URS Corp., Advatech, Veolia, EPRI, Wastewater Spray Dryer, Pressure Evaporation, Non-Thermal, MATS, Arsenic, Selenium, Nitrogen, Mercury, Effluent Treatment, Wastewater, FGD, Zero Liquid Discharge

Control and Treatment Technology for FGD Wastewater Webinar - Presenter Bios


Revision Date:  8/15/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, EPRI, Advatech, URS Corp., Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies

Advantages of wet limestone FGD

Which FGD process to choose ?

Revision Date:  7/10/2014

Tags:  Advatech, Spray Tower, FGD

Which FGD Process to Choose by Scott Miller, Advatech. - Hot Topic Hour July 24, 2014

Wet limestone FGD systems are competitive with the dry option, according to Scott Miller.

Revision Date:  7/24/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Advatech, Wet FGD

Wet Calcium FGD Webinar - Hot Topic Hour July 24, 2014

Discussion of FGD processes,

Revision Date:  7/24/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Gardner Denver, McIlvaine, Advatech, Carmeuse Lime & Stone, Wet FGD