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Spray Dryer FGD at TEP Springerville

The dry FGD system for each unit comprises three spray dryer absorbers (SDA) with rotary atomizers and a reverse-air fabric filter. The Springerville Station receives high-calcium pebble lime via rail, and a pneumatic system transports the lime to a day bin located at each unit. Horizontal ball mill slakers convert the pebble lime to lime slurry, which is combined with a slurry of recycled material from the fabric filter just prior to being fed to the rotary atomizer. When the units were constructed, the dry FGD systems were built with a partial bypass, the result of which is that 75% of the flue gas is treated in the spray dryers and the bypassed flue gas is recombined with the scrubbed stream before entering the fabric filter. TEP, with S&L as Owner’s Engineer, implemented the following modifications to reduce NOX and SO2 emissions: • Installation of low-NOX burners and overfire air (NOX). • Installation of a fourth spray dryer and elimination of the flue gas bypass (SO2).

Revision Date:  3/18/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AEP / SEPCO, Tucson Electric Power, San Miguel Electyric Cooperative, Spray Dryer Absorber