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Industrial MACT Webinar - Hot Topic Hour November 19, 2010 - Part 2

Carbon, Spray Dryers, Biomass Boilers, CO Challenges and PM CEMS were discussed. Password: hth107

Revision Date:  11/19/2010

Tags:  SICK MAIHAK, Golder Associates, Amerex, Albemarle, AECOM, ADA Environmental, MACT, Industrial Boiler

Industrial Boiler MACT - Impact and Control Options - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 22, 2012

At the March 22 Hot Topic Hour speakers helped us understand the current situation of the Industrial Boiler MACT and suggested how boiler operators might deal with the impact of the current and proposed rule.

Revision Date:  3/22/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ADA Environmental, Troutman Sanders, Technology & Market Solutions, Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, Carbon Monoxide, Industrial Boiler MACT, HCl, Mercury, Combustion

Low CapEX Solutions for Compliance with Industrial Boiler MACT by Connie Senior, ADA Environmental - Hot Topic Hour March 22, 2012

Connie discussed Low Capex Solutions for Compliance with Industrial Boiler MACT

Revision Date:  3/22/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ADA Environmental, Mercury, Carbon Monoxide, HCl, Particulates, Industrial Boiler MACT, Combustion