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Frac Sand facilities are relying on Aggreko to provide dependable utilities early on in the construction

Mike Mayers advises linkedin followers that Aggreko provides valuable assistance to frac sand operators needing power during plant construction. He says • “Our Solutions Portfolio includes applications to provide Complete Facility Utility including; High Voltage, Complete Redundancy for Maximized Production, Routine Maintenance, Process Enhancement, and Risk Management.” • Backed by experienced Technical Specialists and a licensed Engineering team, Aggreko helps Frac Sand facilities enhance safety, reduce costs, improve schedules and increase production. Key Strengths: • Sales and Operations Management • P&L Responsibility, Forecasting and Planning • Business acquisition & integration • Strategic Sales, Marketing & Business Leadership • Contract Negotiations, • Continuous Process Improvement

Revision Date:  1/15/2019

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 212321 - Construction Sand and Gravel Mining , Aggreko, Power Generation