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Martin Marietta is reliable source of MgO for U.S.

United States Imports and Exports are significant portions of Apparent Consumption. Magnesia markets tend to be worldwide. China in particular is a major producer and consumer of magnesia products. USGS Data show that China has exported large quantities of magnesium oxide (MgO) to the United States. Magnesia is used in several Markets, and global supply and demand is driven by global product requirements in those markets. Events in China since 2016 have reduced both imports and exports to China. Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties is vertically integrated. This means an unusual level of control over raw materials such as dolomitic lime from its plant in Woodville OH. That in turn means supply chain stability and a high quality product line made wholly in the USA.

Revision Date:  3/28/2019

Tags:  , , 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Martin Marietta, Magnesium Hydroxide