ABSTRACTS - June 30, 2011






ABSTRACT: John Cochran, President of CERAM Environmental, will discuss fuel impacts on the design and performance of SCR catalysts. Catalyst performance, and thereby design, is dependent on many combustion and fuel quality parameters. This is especially evident for PRB coals and Western coals. Catalyst test results for a number of units spanning up to 40,000 operating hours will be presented. Various parameters influencing catalyst performance and formulation will also be discussed.



BRIAN ADAIR – SCR TECH (a CoaLogix Company)


ABSTRACT: Brian Adair, Ph.D, Director of Technology Development at SCR-Tech, LLC a CoaLogix Company, will discuss fuel impacts on SCR catalysts from a catalyst management perspective. SCR-Tech has experience with all types of catalyst (honeycomb, corrugated and plate-type) being exposed to all types of coals, blends, temperatures and operating conditions. Its unique perspective seeing all the catalyst types with the different fuels types will be shared. Proper catalyst pitch selection, based on the ash loading along with other factors (pressure drop allowed, etc.), is the first step, then potential required to meet the NOx requirements and next outage frequency based on the projected deactivation rate of the catalyst.