March 2018


Table of Contents






In the next two articles Emerson and Seeq address the need for subject matter expertise to make data analytics valuable. Emerson talks about “deep equipment knowledge.”  Seeq talks about supplying the “brawn” but needing the client “brain” input.

Relative to deep equipment knowledge, there is general agreement that the industry is losing its most experienced experts at an alarming rate. Relative to the the client “brain”, the industry is characterized by silos in part caused by an avalanche of new information which is impossible to assimilate. Data analytics will rapidly increase the size of the avalanche.

The McIlvaine Company was formed 44 years ago on the premise that knowledge systems would provide a valuable tool to capture the wisdom of the experts and ensure that their contribution would not end with their retirement. Over the years the number of available knowledge systems has expanded. The term “decisions” has replaced “knowledge” to indicate the action potential.

All the data analytics pyramids are topped with “wisdom”. The McIlvaine Decision Systems are an integral part of the broader Industrial Internet of Wisdom (IIoW). These systems can be used by the new hires to help them become subject matter experts (SME’s). The top level SME’s can lead and leverage the Decision Systems to become subject matter ultra-experts (SMUE’s). Those suppliers of data analytics software can use the Decision Systems to help their clients make better choices rather than just rely entirely on the client input. More details are found at Navigating the Sea Change in the Combust, Flow and Treat Markets.

Deep Knowledge within Analytics is key to successful IIoT implementation in a Power Plant

IoT and automation helps plants remain competitive by improving their performance in many areas including: reduced outages, extended life of equipment, reduced maintenance costs, improved heat-rate, reduced emissions, reduced HS&E incidents, improved response time and enhanced productivity.

This is achieved through digital transformation of how the plant is run and maintained, using outcome-focused service strategies based on external connected services for equipment condition monitoring and maintenance management, which in turn is based on automatic data collection and analysis, and ultimately on a digital ecosystem.

Predictive analytics software helps in the interpretation of data streaming in from equipment sensors to diagnose signs of trouble early. This analytics software must be easy for reliability engineers and maintenance technicians to use. Simple apps should warn them if there is a potential problem with pumps, gearboxes, cooling towers, compressors, blowers, heat exchangers, fans and air-cooled heat exchangers with plain-text, actionable information. To get this level of ease-of-use, plants use specialized equipment analytics apps rather than generic data analytics tools. At the highest level, the analytics app displays equipment health as a simple dashboard, allowing the user to drill down into details.

Deep equipment knowledge is contained within the analytics to predict specific equipment problems. The apps perform real-time analytics on multiple variables such as vibration, temperature and pressure as the data is coming in from the sensors.

Analytics pick up developing trends, instability and changes in background noise in real-time in the early stages, thus predicting failure and fouling. This gives maintenance a chance to schedule service in advance, and if the problem is caused by operations, they can make changes to prevent it from getting worse.

In the case of a pump, issues like developing strainer blockage, bearing failure, mechanical seal failure and pre-cavitation are presented as easy-to-understand plain text. Engineers need not have data analytics skills to interpret the data because the diagnostics are descriptive and actionable. 'Pre-cavitation' tells personnel there probably is a blockage, so they will check for closed upstream and downstream valves or a plugged strainer.

The full text of this analysis by Jonas Berge, Director of Applied Technology at Emerson Automation Solutions is found at

Optimization of Emissions Treatment Chemicals with Seeq Corp. Data Analytics

A large coal-fired power generation facility located in the Western U.S. faced a difficult task. Like most such plants, the facility was required to control its emissions, such as sulfur in the form of SOx, nitrogen in the form of NOx, mercury (Hg), and various carbon compounds. A facility of this type typically reduces emissions through a combination of capital investments (such as a scrubber, selective catalytic reduction [SCR] system, and fabric filter) and ongoing material costs (such as lime, NH3, specialty scavengers, and oxidizers)—as well as catalyst beds, filters, and sludge disposal.

Units often over treat flue gas in order to ensure compliance, but this increases mitigant costs, and can result in reliability/longevity issues, contributing to high maintenance costs or even downtime. For example, some Hg mitigants are corrosive, and NH3 degrades the SCR catalyst, resulting in higher maintenance costs.

In this particular case, the plant was working in collaboration with its chemical vendor to control Hg using a new additive, calcium bromide, in place of activated carbon injection in the exhaust stream. The liquid calcium bromide was added to the raw coal before processing. Before the application of data analytics, the approach was to overfeed chemicals to ensure compliance, then to make conservative manual reductions to the application rate over a period of months and observe how emissions results were affected.

The plant received about five 400-gallon totes of calcium bromide per month, a total of about 20,000 pounds, at a cost of about $37,000 total. The additive was applied to the raw coal via a small pump mounted on a temporary skid.

The plant had a conservative internal average target value of 1.0 μg/m3 Hg in the emissions. When the plant was at full capacity, which was the preference, Hg hovered at or just above 1.0. When the plant was operating at medium and low output, the Hg emissions dipped down as low as 0.1.

Ideally, additive use would be adjusted at lower loads to the exact amount required, cutting the amount spent on the additive, and reducing the negative effect on mechanical integrity resulting from over-application of additive. This was not possible with the then-current system, because the additive feed rate was continuously adjusted per a linear relationship with coal feed rate, even though the effect of the additive on Hg levels in the stack was non-linear.

There was also a lag time between the addition of the additive and the effect on Hg levels, further complicating feed rate control. The problem wasn’t a big issue at the time, but was likely to become more troublesome in the future because the plant anticipated medium- and low-output conditions would occur more frequently.

If the plant could save just one tote of chemical per month, it would equate to about $7,500 per month, or approximately $90,000 per year, in savings. Furthermore, the plant expected to conduct further optimization of the additive-emissions curve relationship for even finer tuning at medium- and low-load operations.

Some key questions required answering in order to optimize additive feed rate. The questions were:

To answer the questions, data analytic steps were taken in a collaborative effort between plant and Seeq personnel. Seeq data analytics software was applied to data residing in the plant’s Ovation control system, just one of the many data sources for which Seeq provides direct connection.

The first step was to build a chemical addition pump-setting signal in gallons per hour, based on a linear relationship with the coal feed. This showed how well the pump settings performed based on what was learned in the data analysis, with the aim being optimization of the pump-curve relationship. Different conditions were created for the various chemical addition test periods as the pump settings were tweaked, and the results were spliced together over time, using the Splice function in the software.

Next, the power generation signal was queued up and the Value Search tool was applied to identify high-, medium-, and low-load conditions. Also using Value Search, conditions were identified when Hg was less than the 1.0 target.

The team then created composite conditions identifying when the chemical addition could be more tightly controlled. In this case, that was when the plant was at medium or low load, and stack Hg emissions were less than 1.0. Plant personnel were then able to quantify how much chemical was overfed to the system during medium- or low-load periods.

A ratio of the actual Hg emissions to the target was created, and then the percent difference was applied to the treatment chemical rate. In other words, if Hg was 30% lower than target, the assumption was that the chemical was being overfed by 30%. The final step was to aggregate and normalize the total volume of wasted Hg mitigant chemical during the target condition periods, totalized over various time periods at different pump settings when the chemical was being overfed.

The results were telling. Calculating the gallons of excess chemical fed during overtreatment periods showed that changes made to the pump setting reduced the over-application of chemical during medium-load condition rates by 50%. The plant expected to dip down into medium and low rates more in the future, so these chemical application rate optimizations were expected to become more valuable

The full article by Michael Risse of Seeq is found at

Data Analytics is a Major Subject in the Monthly IIoT Webinars

In conjunction with N031 Industrial IOT and Remote O&M, McIlvaine has conducted and recorded more than 15 webinars. Many are industry-focused. Some are product-focused. Data Analytics is addressed in most of them. Even if you are not a subscriber you can view and listen to the recordings from links at

There are more than 1,000 individual slide titles. Using “Find” one can see the following displays for Seeq: 

Seeq is the Google of Industrial Process Data

Seeq Harnessing the Power of Available Data

Seeq - Choose the Right Data Management and Visualization Components

Seeq Interactive, Visual Tools to Analyze Industrial Process Data

Here are the slide titles in the presentation in our data analytics session by Scott Affelt of XMPlR.



Key Opportunities for Data Analytics



Variables Impacting Emissions and/or Emissions Reductions



Approaches to Data Analytics



Areas to Apply Data Analytics



Opposing Variables Makes it a Challenge



Holistic Optimization Approach



Analytic Approaches  (Experienced-based Models0



Analytic Approaches (Data-based Models)



Analytic Approaches (Physics-based Models)



Analytics Approaches (Hybrid Models)


Scott lists the many variables impacting emission reduction which are inter-related and present a challenge.



Scott lists the many variables impacting emission reduction which are inter-related and present a challenge.

In addition to these variables you have variables requiring what Jonas Berge calls the “deep equipment knowledge.” This extends to both control and on/off valves, pumps, filters, scrubbers, and conveyors. There are also instrumentation variables and variables in the consumables such as lime, limestone, activated carbon and other treatment chemicals including those added to the scrubber to prevent mercury re-emissions.

Scott discusses the holistic optimization approach which includes potentially multiple injection points for mercury reduction chemicals.


    In his final slide, Scott recommends a hybrid analytic model which includes the three approaches: physics, data-based and experienced-based.



The experience approach needs to take into account the wisdom of the many rather than the few.  There are more than 2,000 large scale power plant air pollution control systems, which are gaining useful experience. GE states that a big advantage of its Predix system is the experience on 40,000 turbines. McIlvaine 44I Coal Fired Power Plant Decisions  has decision systems on each major component and process. It includes case histories and webinars. The subject matter expert who participates in these systems can become a subject matter ultra-expert.

 INNOVATION: What is missing from all the data analytics approaches is innovation. The coal- fired power industry has tended to embrace new technology slowly. This includes major processes but also improvements in components such as valves. Let’s take examples of each.  

  1. Process Innovation. BHE Energy has access to a complete McIlvaine Decision System for all their coal, gas, wind, and hydro plants as well as their compressor stations. 4S01 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Supplier and Utility Connect.  EPA originally rejected the Utah regional haze plan which forced BHE to consider a $700 million modification to reduce NOx control. The only available option was adding SCR with 80% reduction even though the required NOx reduction was modest. SNCR would only make a 30% reduction and more was needed. There were no ready “solutions.” So McIlvaine conducted 9 hours of webinars with 80 participants including Siemens, Emerson, GE, Doosan, AECOM and many equipment and consumables suppliers. The result of these discussions was what BHE labeled the “wisdom of the crowd.”  A number of minor investments including ozone injection into the scrubber would comfortably meet the new reduction requirement. The ozone injection had been used in the refining industry but not in coal-fired power plants.

  2. Component Innovation. Stewart Nicholson of Primex has been a pioneer in the development of dry scrubber technology for coal-fired boilers. He was instrumental in forming a Dry Scrubbers Users Group and encouraging the sharing of information among power plants. At the recent annual meeting there were presentations by several NAES people on the use of dry scrubbers at two of their plants. These plants use OSIsoft process management systems with Primex acting as the subject matter expert and continually monitoring component performance. In several cases, Primex has recommended innovative improvements in component design and even secured a patent on one improvement which it has licensed to component manufacturers.

McIlvaine has a dry scrubber Decision Guide and is addressing the challenge of creating many SMUEs with the high achievement level obtained by Primex. For example, there have been improvements in the use of Fujikin valves to provide the critical slurry control. A Decision System on just these types of slurry valves for this and similar applications will help develop valve SMUES. New technology, such as catalytic filters, needs to be assessed and warrants its own Decision Guide. There is a separate user group, dry injection of hydrated lime. B&W has created a hybrid using DSI and conventional dry scrubbing. So the wisdom of DSI for SO3 reduction can be utilized in the hybrid system. 

The Industrial Internet of Wisdom will be invaluable in empowering IIoT and data analytics.  Seeq and other software vendors can help component suppliers develop wisdom around gateway systems which link to the larger cloud-based systems.


Schneider Electric Triconex hacked at an Industrial Plant

Operations of a plant were halted by a cyber attack by hackers likely working for a national government. The attack targeted Triconex industrial safety technology from Schneider Electric SE.

Schneider, as well as cyber security company FireEye, confirmed the attack but did not identify the victim, industry or location of the attack. Security company Dragos said the target was somewhere in the Middle East, while CyberX said the victim was in Saudi Arabia. Schneider issued a security alert to users of Triconex, which Reuters said is widely used by the energy industry.

“While evidence suggests this was an isolated incident and not due to a vulnerability in the Triconex system or its program code, we continue to investigate whether there are additional attack vectors,” the alert said.

The attack is believed to be the first report of a safety system breach at an industrial plant by hackers. Reuters noted a safety system breach could allow hackers to attack other parts of an industrial plant and prevent operators from detecting the hack.

In the incident reported by Schneider and FireEye, hackers used malware called Triton to take control of a workstation, then worked to reprogram controllers used to identify safety issues. Operators noticed the attack when some controllers entered a failsafe mode and caused related processes to shut down.

FireEye said the shutdown was an accident as hackers were probing the system to see how it worked and learn how to modify safety features.

Schneider is now working with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to investigate the attack.

Triton is now the third type of malware known to disrupt industrial processes. Stuxnet was used in 2010 to attack Iran’s nuclear program, while Crash Override, otherwise known as Industroyer, was discovered in 2016 in an attack that brought down power in the Ukraine. 

Prolonging Life of HRSGs

At the Steam Generator (HRSG) Forum, March 5-7 in Houston, Daniel Azukas of Sargent & Lundy presented Remaining Useful Life Assessment of HRSGs, a paper co-authored by Marc Lemmons and Raj Gaikwad, also of Sargent & Lundy, and Rodger Zawodniak and Kelly Harrell of Associated Electric Cooperative. This paper summarizes various historical damaging mechanisms encountered in older HRSGs and how the power industry has optimized design and/or operations and maintenance practices to prolong the life of these components. The paper presents a case study assessing the Chouteau, Dell, and St. Francis HRSGs, which were built in the early 2000s. The paper benchmarks performance against peer averages and assesses operations, inspections, and equipment for each HRSG.

Evolving Automation for Combined Cycle Units

This presentation by Jim Nyenhuis of Emerson was presented at the HRSG Forum this week and covered advances in automation.

As power markets and regulations continue to evolve and sort themselves out, the nature of combined cycle plant operations must remain flexible in responding to these changes. This flexibility must come with a minimized impact on plant equipment and operations. This presentation provides an overview of the evolving nature of process automation to address specific control challenges being faced by the combined cycle fleet today. Experience from the field is showing that advanced controls can provide better performance with issues such as undersized, worn out or leaking field equipment, issues with non-linear process responses associated with inadequate actuation or ill-suited valve trim characteristics and process disturbances with longer time delays such as steam attemperation or NOx injection for SCR’s. This presentation will focus on areas within the combined cycle process where limitations in conventional control applications can exist and how advanced control capabilities are addressing some of these limitations. Also being discussed will be current developments in automation technology which are making the use of advanced control capabilities more approachable and sustainable at the site level along with specific examples of benefits from ongoing commissioning of these types of control strategies in the field.

Why does FAC Continue to be the Number One Problem in HRSGs?  

This presentation by Barry Dooley of Structural Integrity was presented at the HRSG Forum this week and covered causes of FAC.

Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) has been the leading cause of HRSG tube/pipe failures for many years and has caused a number of fatalities in the power generation industry. The causes of FAC, the methods to detect and monitor the presence of active FAC in the HRSG, and the corrective actions effective in preventing FAC were clearly identified over 10 years ago. Countless technical papers, magazine articles and conference presentations have been published and presented on FAC, yet it continues to be the leading cause of HRSG tube/pipe failures. This presentation will explore why this is the case and how to reverse this unfortunate and dangerous trend.

EUEC had Lots of Good Gas Turbine Papers

EUEC was held in San Diego from March 5-7. There were 400 papers presented to some 2,000 attendees. Some of the valuable papers are listed below. They are available for sale by contacting








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