November 1, 2016


McIlvaine Company





McIlvaine Linkedin GTRE Decision Groups

HRSG Valve Decisions

Lots of Engine/Turbine Pipeline Compressor Data in GTRE Decisions

System to Determine Sustainability Impacts of Power Plant Operations



McIlvaine Linkedin GTRE Decision Groups


McIlvaine is setting up a number of Linkedin decision groups covering the range of gas turbine and reciprocating engine systems, components and consumables. There will be one decision group for every child web linked at the bottom of the GTRE Decisions Home page. There will be special groups to focus on critical issues such as HRSG valve problems.


As an owner/operator of a gas turbine or reciprocating engine or as a paid subscriber to GTRE Decisions you can join any of the groups. For example to join the HRSG Valve group just enter the following in Google Linkedin “HRSG Valve Decisions Group”. Then click on the join option.



HRSG Valve Decisions


Review selection and repair of valves used in the heat recovery steam generation systems associated with gas turbine combined cycle power plants. This group is for any HRSG operator, McIlvaine Subscribers, and selected contributors. The group will be providing analysis for McIlvaine Power Plant Valve Decisions.


This includes the ultrapure water, steam cycle, and condensate. It addresses the problems associated with frequent cycling including both performance and maintenance. The emphasis is on determining the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) approach. In a number of severe service applications a more expensive repairable valve may provide the lowest TCO.


What are the most significant HRSG valve problems?


Robert McIlvaine conducted a 90 minute webinar on GTCC valve decisions and options. A large number of issues and some solutions are provided. Additional comments are encouraged. The recording and the power points are found in GTRE Decisions. The 80 slide power point presentation is also posted in the free Global Decisions Orchard.


What are the challenges when you bypass steam around the turbine at startup?


During initial operation of the HRSG, valves are needed to bypass steam (HP/HRH/LP) around the steam turbine to ensure that the unit does not come up to temperature too quickly. The large pressure differential across the valve can cause high noise levels that need to be attenuated. Other challenges are high temperature, valve leakage and need for fast operation.


What is the solution?


Emerson provides Sky Vent engineered systems with proper valve and controller selection, To reduce the noise potential, the pressure drop is split between the valve and a downstream diffuser or silencer. The pressure split also serves to optimize the size of each component. The details on the Sky Vent are included in the GTRE Decisions Intelligence System but are also included in the Free McIlvaine Global Decisions Orchard.


Is stellite delamination still a problem?


NV Energy’s Higgins Station and many other HRSG owners are experiencing stellite liberation from high-pressure (HP) and hot reheat (HRH) valves serving in F-class combined cycles. Tight shutoff of parallel-slide gate and non-return globe valves has been compromised in some cases. This is an industry-wide problem and something NV Energy is dealing with at Higgins and other plants. EPRI has established a committee on “Cracking and Disbonding of Hardfacing Alloys in Combined-Cycle Plant Valves. Four NV Energy people participated in discussions on this at a user group meeting. We will contact them for updates.


Lots of Engine/Turbine Pipeline Compressor Data in GTRE Decisions


Very detailed information on turbines and engines used in existing and pending pipelines is included in the GTRE Decisions.  If you click on “Title” you see all entries chronologically starting with the most recent. You can also search by key words. The excerpts below include the key words which were used.


(Listed by most current date.)

Natural Gas Pipeline Technology Overview

The pipeline transmission system — the “interstate highway” for natural gas — consists of 180,000 miles of high-strength steel pipe varying in diameter, normally between 30 and 36 inches in diameter. The primary function of the transmission pipeline company is to move huge amounts of natural gas thousands of miles from producing regions to local natural gas utility delivery points. These delivery points, called “city gate stations,” are usually owned by distribution companies, although some are owned by transmission companies. Compressor stations at required distances boost the pressure that is lost through friction as the gas moves through the steel pipes (EPA 2000).

Revision Date:  10/25/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Argonne National Laboratory, Compressor Stations, Pipeline, Steel Pipe, Compression, Transmission, Pipeline, USA

Northern Lights, Owatonna Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The Owatonna Compressor Station is used to pressurize natural gas in order to facilitate its transmission through a pipeline system. The facility consists of a 16,000 BHP natural gas-fired turbine and one emergency generator. The facility is subject to a New Source Performance Standard for the turbine, and therefore requires a permit.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Generator, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Pipeline, Compression, Permitting, Gas-fired, USA

Northern Lights, North Branch Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

Northern Natural Gas Company operates a compressor station in North Branch to pressurize natural gas in order to facilitate its transmission through the pipeline system. The facility was built in 1966. The North Branch facility consists of four (4) natural gas-fired reciprocating engines to drive the pipeline natural gas compressors (all four are Worthington ML-7 2-stroke lean burn engines rated at 2,000 horsepower), a diesel-fired emergency generator (a Kohler D300 engine rated at 462 horsepower), and a natural gas fired boiler rated at 3.35 MMBtu/hr. The compressors pressurize the natural gas in the pipeline causing it to flow to the next compressor station. The primary emissions are nitrogen oxides (NOx) and greenhouse gasses (CO2e) from the reciprocating engines. Emissions are not controlled. The facility also has equipment that qualifies as insignificant activities under Minn. R. 7007.1300, subparagraphs 3 and 4. This permit is a reissuance of the Title V operating permit. In this permit, EU 005 (the natural gas-fired auxiliary generator engine) has been removed from the list of permitted facilities. Federal NESHAP requirements for the emergency generator and the boiler have been added.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor Stations, Engine, Generator, Gas Turbine, Permitting, Compression, Pipeline, Gas-fired, USA

Northern Lights, Hugo Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The facility will use a 7229 hp natural gas-fired turbine to compress natural gas in a pipeline. The facility will operate an emergency generator as a backup for electrical power. Uncontrolled emissions from the facility are less than the thresholds for all criteria pollutants. However, the natural gas-fired turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subp. GG and the Permittee will therefore receive a state operating permit.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Generator, Pipeline, Permitting, Gas-fired, Compression, USA

Northern Lights, Albert Lea Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

Northern Natural Gas -Albert Lea is a natural gas compressor station. The facility operates a 119 MM Btu (15,596 hp) natural gas fired turbine (EU 001), used to compress natural gas in a pipeline. The turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subpart KKKK. The facility also has a 4.37 MM Btu (619 hp) diesel emergency generator (EU 002) to power the turbine during power outages. The generator is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subpart 1111. The engine is a 2007 model year or later with a displacement less than 10 liters per cylinder.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Generator, Pipeline, Gas-fired, Pipeline, Compression, Permitting, USA

Northern Lights, Farmington Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The Farmington Compressor Station is used to pressurize natural gas for transport through the pipeline system. The facility is composed of a compressor building which houses five natural gas-fired reciprocating compressor engines and a natural gas-fired turbine that provide power to the pipeline compressor. There is also a diesel-fired electric generator for emergency power.

Revision Date:  10/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Gas Turbine, Engine, Generator, Compressor Stations, Pipeline, Gas-fired, Permitting, Pipeline, Compression, USA

Northern Lights, Faribault Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The Faribault Compressor Station consists of one 16,000 braking horsepower (BHP) natural gas turbine and one emergency generator. The turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subp. GG. The facility is considered not considered to be a major source under any air quality permitting regulations. The modification authorized by this amendment is to remove the 10,600 BHP limit on the natural gas turbine to allow operation of the turbine at full capacity of 16,000 BHP.

Revision Date:  10/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor, Pipeline, Engine, Gas Turbine, Generator, Modification, Construction, Gas-fired, Permitting, Pipeline, Compression, USA

Apex Expansion Project, Final Environmental Impact Statement

The purpose of the Apex Expansion Project is to transport an additional 266 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of natural gas on Kern River’s existing pipeline system from southwestern Wyoming to Nevada. Dependent upon Commission approval, Kern River proposes to begin construction in the fall 2010 and place the facilities into operation in November 2011. Kern River proposes to construct and operate: • approximately 27.6 miles of 36 – inch – diameter natural gas transmission pipeline loop extending southwest in Utah from Morgan County through Davis County to Salt Lake County • one new 30,000 horsepower compressor station (known as Milford Compressor Station) in Beaver County, Utah; • modifications to four existing compressor stations to add additional compressor (the Coyote creek Compressor Station located in Uinta County, Wyoming; the Elberta Compressor Station located in Utah County; and the Dry Lake Compressor Station located in Clark County, Nevada); • six mainline valves (four new and two existing that require modifications;) and • three pig launcher and two pig receiver facilities

Revision Date:  10/19/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Valves, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Modification, Compression, Permitting, USA, USA,

System to Determine Sustainability Impacts of Power Plant Operations


Which is better for the environment? Growing tomatoes with the CO2 emitted from the BHE Currant Creek plant, saving 100 eagles, saving 10,000 trout, or re-routing a transmission line through a less populated area?


Thirty universities around the world have combined efforts to conclude that the earth is greener now than it was a decade ago. They say the cause is the same fertilization effect of CO2 which causes it to be used in greenhouses such as at the Currant Creek plant. They caution that increased CO2 may be better for those facing starvation over the next decade or two but that the long run consequences will be negative enough to offset the short term benefits.


Sustainability indices are not very helpful in answering these questions. The fact that a cigarette company such as Phillip Morris has a better Dow Jones sustainability rating than Berkshire Hathaway Energy indicates the need for a better metric.


There are very complex sustainability ratings which include intricate analysis of economic, social, and political impacts of any action. They do not quickly inform you whether action A is better than action B.


Cardinal Health came to McIlvaine for help because they were losing a $1 billion single use surgical gown market. Hospitals were concerned about the CO2 created by manufacturing and disposing of single use gowns. McIlvaine was tasked in making an unbiased determination of the environmental impacts of single use vs reusable garments. By developing a common metric to measure the negative effects of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere vs the water contamination from washing virus laden gowns, the hospitals could more fairly determine the environmental consequences of the alternatives.


The study also concluded that the environmental consequences have to include tribal values and equate all consequences based on present value. A hospital in Canada must weigh the tribal values of its clientele. They could be impacted by the viruses in the water immediately, but may because of their location not suffer from global warming. Also the harm from viruses in the water is immediate whereas the impact of global warming is decades away.


McIlvaine expanded this research to help power plants decide whether it is better to increase NOx to reduce CO2, or create more of any pollutant while reducing another. The result was a common metric that measures the harm of any pollutant in terms of equivalent tons of CO2. For example 10 tons of water saved in a drought area is worth 1 ton of CO2 generated. In an area of water surplus, it takes 1000 tons of water saved to equal 1 ton of CO2 generated. The equations are all based on EPA background documents weighing the benefits of various regulations.


The problem with this approach is that it relies on EPA determinations and does not make clear how you evaluate the harm of killing 100 eagles or running a transmission line through a populated area.


McIlvaine next addressed the approach used by insurance companies and the medical industry. It is based on Quality Adjusted Life Years. This approach emphasizes length of life and not quality. If we never ate desserts, mixed in crowds, rode in an automobile or played sports we could live longer. But who would rather live in solitary confinement to age 90 when they could enjoy 85 years of a full life. How do you justify asking a solider to risk his life for the sake of his country? The answer to these questions is a metric to measure life quality rather than life quantity.


The Quality Enhanced Life Days (QELD) metric allows you to measure every initiative. In the case of the 100 eagles lost in a national park area in Washington, the factors become the number of visitors per year and the relative enjoyment from seeing these eagles. In the case of the transmission line it is the negative QELD for the people impacted by one route vs another and the positive QELD from the benefits of the transmitted power.


QELD also addresses tribal values and net present value. The benefits of CO2 fertilization in the short term are more important to starving people in developing countries than to wealthy people in developed countries. QELD is a unique and powerful metric which will aid Berkshire Hathaway in its decisions and can be used by investors to view the company in a more favorable light than with the Dow Jones approach.


More details on this are shown at Sustainability Universal Rating System



McIlvaine Company

Northfield, IL 60093-2743

Tel:  847-784-0012; Fax:  847-784-0061


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