July 2015


McIlvaine Company





HVOF Coating Case Study for Power Plant Process Control Ball Valve Applications

GTCC Valves Decision Guide by Bob McIlvaine - Hot Topic Hour June 4, 2015

Valves for Combined Cycle Power Plants Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 4, 2015

Desuperheating Valves Take the Heat

Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Fast Start: The Physics Behind the Concept

Cost Benefits of Critical Valve Repair in the Heat Recovery Steam Generator

How to Design, Retrofit Drum-type HRSGs to Cycle, Start Faster

Fast-Start HRSG Life-Cycle Optimization

Under the Proposed Clean Power Plan, Natural Gas, then Renewables, Gain Generation Share

Updates on Water Discharge Regs, Reducing Air Emissions, Complying with NERC CIP

Johnson Controls Offers Containerized Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling







HVOF Coating Case Study for Power Plant Process Control Ball Valve Applications

This is a case study of the failure of the coating on an on-off metal-seated ball valve (MSBV) used in supercritical steam lines in a power plant. The valves are exposed to rapid high-pressure and -temperature variations resulting in cracking and cohesive failure of the high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) 80/20 Cr3C2-NiCr coating. It was found that carbide precipitation is a major factor causing embrittlement of the coating.

Revision Date:  6/8/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Velan, Valve, Thermal Stress, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology


GTCC Valves Decision Guide by Bob McIlvaine - Hot Topic Hour June 4, 2015

Power Point sequence used as a basis for the discussion in the June 4 Webinar.

Revision Date:  6/4/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Valve


Valves for Combined Cycle Power Plants Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 4, 2015

Discussion of issues and options involving gas turbine combined cycle power plant valves.

Revision Date:  6/4/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Valve


Desuperheating Valves Take the Heat

A cascading bypass system uses an high pressure (HP) steam bypass valve and a hot reheat (HRH) steam bypass valve to manage steam flow to the steam turbine. The HRH bypass valve actuator determines the valve’s ability to respond to system demands. This article discusses the selection of HRH valves and actuators, and the corresponding impact on other plant components.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, KOSO, Valve, Actuator, Reheat, Power Magazine


Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Fast Start: The Physics Behind the Concept

GTCC startup optimization is essentially minimizing the time required to reach the dispatch power (e.g., full load or a specific part load) without "breaking anything" in the process. For example, failure to control thermal stresses results in cracks via low/high cycle fatigue (LCF and HCF) and brittle fracture. This article provide relevant and easy-to-use technical information (in the form of simple charts, basic equations and representative physical quantities) to form an informed opinion on available technologies for GTCC startups.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Bechtel, Gas Turbine, Optimization, Fast Start, Power Engineering


Cost Benefits of Critical Valve Repair in the Heat Recovery Steam Generator

Modern advance frame combined-cycle power facilities operate in a dispatch environment where cold starts, accelerated ramp rates and low load conditions are the norm and where Balance of Plant (BOP) equipment accounts for more than half of all forced outages. An analysis by Pentair revealed that valves are a significant contributing factor in forced outages, primarily based on their application numbers and the severity of their service applications. This article focuses on small bore vent valves and drain valves, reporting research findings that repairing these valves is more prudent and economical than replacing them.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Pentair, Valve, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Life Cycle Cost, Optimization, Service & Repair, Heat Recovery, Fast Start, Power Engineering


How to Design, Retrofit Drum-type HRSGs to Cycle, Start Faster

Fast start and fast ramp of HRSGs in necessary in order to back up renewables when the wind stops or clouds appear. Fast starts/fast ramps also reduce the total emissions during a start, cut startup costs, and enable the plant to achieve full-load revenues faster. This article summarizes a presentation regarding the design and retrofit of HRSGs in order to optimize fast starts and fast ramps.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Vogt Power International, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Optimization, Heat Recovery, Fast Start, Combined Cycle Journal


Fast-Start HRSG Life-Cycle Optimization

Modern heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) design must balance operating response with the reduction in life of components caused by daily cycling and fast starts. Advanced modeling techniques demonstrate HRSG startup ramp rates can be accelerated without compromising equipment life.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Foster Wheeler, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Life Cycle Cost, Optimization, Heat Recovery, Fast Start, Power Magazine


Under the Proposed Clean Power Plan, Natural Gas, then Renewables, Gain Generation Share

In June 2014, EPA issued its proposed Clean Power Plan to regulate CO2 emissions from existing power plants. In May 2015, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) issued an analysis of the impacts of the proposed rule, along with this summary. According to EIA’s analysis, the main compliance strategy will be to increase natural gas-fired generation to displace coal-fired generation. Later, after 2020, as more wind and solar capacity are added, renewable generation will also surpass coal-fired generation.

Revision Date:  6/1/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Energy Information Administration, Regulation, Clean Power Plan, CO2, CO2 Mitigation


Updates on Water Discharge Regs, Reducing Air Emissions, Complying with NERC CIP

This article summarizes several presentations from a Combustion Turbine Operators Technical Forum (CTOTF) held in April 2015. The presentations address the status of 316(b) water intake regulations and revisions to federal effluent limitation guidelines for power plants, as well as technical issues associated with CO catalysts.

Revision Date:  6/1/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, SCR, Catalyst, Effluent Treatment, Air Pollution Control, Combined Cycle Journal


Johnson Controls Offers Containerized Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Johnson Controls has introduced a containerized Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling (GTIAC) system consisting of chillers, chilled and condenser water pumps, electrical starters and a control system.

Revision Date:  6/1/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Johnson Controls, Inc., Air Inlet House, Cooling, Air Treatment




On Thursdays at 10 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. These Webinars are free of charge to owner/operators of the plants. They are also free to McIlvaine Subscribers of Power Plant Air Quality Decisions and Utility Tracking System. The cost for others is $300.00 per webinar.


See below for information on upcoming Hot Topic Hours. We welcome your input relative to suggested additions.






August 6, 2015

Gas Turbine Emission Control

More Information

August 20, 2015

Total Solution Options

    (No Charge for All)

More Information





McIlvaine Company

Northfield, IL 60093-2743

Tel:  847-784-0012; Fax:  847-784-0061


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