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IIoT is Creating New Market Paths to the $100 Billion Gas Turbine Repair, Replace and Service Market

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a powerful new force shaping the way gas turbine products are purchased.  The impact of IIoT is being continually assessed in 59EI Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Supplier Program.  The inventory of existing gas turbine plants is growing at six percent per year and in the next few years the base will grow to two million MW.  There are 30,000 individual units which routinely require service, replacement or repair of instrumentation, valves, pumps, filters, nozzles, and other components.  There is a continual need for filter elements, treatment chemicals, lubricants, catalysts, reagents and other consumables.  The market for replacement products, repair and services is $100 billion per year and will grow by more than six percent per year IIoT provides remote delivery of comprehensive information about the operation and health of individual components. This data can be analyzed to identify problems and will create opportunities for the sale of better products to replace the existing ones.  IIoT is creating new channels to market in contrast to the sale of products directly to a single end user. 

Revision Date:  1/30/2017

Tags:  McIlvaine, Information Technology, Gas Turbine, Market, Repair Services

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $1.3 Billion for Pumps Next Year

Gas turbine owners will spend $800 million for new pumps and $500 million for service and repair in 2017.  This is the latest forecast in Pumps: World Markets and 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program.   The Americas and Asia will each spend more than Europe and Africa combined.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Pumps, Spending

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $313 Billion­ for Equipment, Repairs and Service Next Year

Gas turbine owners will spend $87 billion for new plants and $226 billion for service and repair in 2017.  This is the latest forecast in 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program.   The Americas and Asia will each spend more than Europe and Africa combined.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Spending, Upgrade

New Approach allows Subscribers to Reach the Summit of the Mountain of Information on Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Technology

The available information on combustion, flow control, treatment and environmental compliance for gas turbines and reciprocating engines is doubling every few years.  It is now more challenging than climbing Mt. Everest to find the most current and relevant information.  Rapid developments include zero liquid discharge (ZLD) technologies, repairable valves, high efficiency air inlet filters, treatment of feedwater for HRSGs and emission control improvements. The need for constant cycling of turbine generators to compensate for wind and solar fluctuations is creating some unanticipated problems. Purifying the CO2 exhaust for adjacent use in indoor agriculture is a big opportunity but also a challenge.

Revision Date:  11/14/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Reciprocating Engine, Gas Turbine, Information Technology, Information Management

Gas Turbine Intake Filter Sales To Exceed $1 Billion By 2021

Sales of gas turbine intake filters will double over the next six years according to the McIlvaine Company. The high rate of revenue growth will be a function of not only robust unit growth but double digit growth in the revenue per unit. Gas turbine power generation is increasingly attractive due to the low price of natural gas, the environmental restrictions on coal-fired power and the ability for system suppliers to deliver new plants within 24 months. The latest high performance turbines provide improved efficiency and lower CO2 emissions per unit of energy produced. However, the rotating equipment is subject to substantial corrosion and erosion from small particles.

Revision Date:  12/11/2015

Tags:  McIlvaine, Filter, Sales

Large Gas Turbine Aftermarket

Gas turbines are the leading choice for additional capacity in the U.S. and Europe. As a result, in 2015 installed gas turbines will be capable of generating 1.3 million MW of electricity. This large and growing installed base has generated a substantial market for turbine components, steam cycle components, intake air filters and treatment chemicals. A number of McIlvaine publications forecast these expenditures and track the individual plant activity.

Revision Date:  7/18/2014

Tags:  221111 - Hydroelectric Power Generation 水力发电, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Service & Repair, Maintenance, Market