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Gut Rehab Turns South Jersey Cogen Plant into Electricity Market Gem
Five years of essentially no maintenance investment or capital improvement at the Eagle Point Power Generation facility in Westville, NJ, had clearly taken its toll by the time Rockland Capital acquired the facility in April 2012. Today, Eagle Point expects the plant capacity factor to approach 50% once the last of the capital improvements are finished. Those improvements include everything from a punch list of 146 maintenance activities as well as capital upgrades, including a new steam turbine/generator, wet compression and fogging, and a complete gas turbine optimization and augmentation package which helped avoid the $11-million cost of an SCR.
Revision Date: 11/16/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Rockland Capital, Steam Turbine, Control System, Fogging System, Performance, Maintenance, Optimization, Upgrades, Air Treatment, Combined Cycle Journal, USA
Remote Monitoring Solutions Prevent Valve Failure at Combined-Cycle Power Plants
At combined-cycle power plants, a problem in even the smallest piece of equipment can cause significant downtime and lost production. Valves, in particular, must operate at peak performance to ensure consistent plant operation. With the help of remote monitoring software solutions and related support, power plant management teams can ensure that all equipment is operating efficiently and address potential problems before they result in costly downtime.
Revision Date: 9/2/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, General Electric Company, Valve, Remote Monitoring Software, High Performance Valve, Maintenance, Optimization, Pumps & Systems
Managing the Catalysts of a Combustion Turbine Fleet
Historically, many gas plants have been operated cyclically with extended dormant periods due to high natural gas prices and a varying demand for the electricity the plant provides. For plants with an SCR system, stopping and laying up the equipment may accelerate aging of the catalyst system components, increasing the importance of inspections and preventative maintenance planning. This article discusses the process of economically managing a fleet of SCR-equipped gas turbines.
Revision Date: 8/3/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cormetech, Catalyst, SCR, Maintenance, NOx Emissions Reduction, Power Magazine
Electric Fuel Control Valve Streamlines Plant Operations
A Frame 6B-powered cogen plant in California was plagued with fuel-gas valve problems, usually requiring at least a man-shift’s worth of work each outage to disassemble, clean seats/plugs, and reassemble. One solution is to reheat the fuel gas to above the dew point (120-130F) in between the valves, but this is considered far from ideal. The better solution proved to be replacing the original valve with a “smart” electric control valve in the same location as the original and a separate solenoid-operated stop/isolation valve about 6 ft upstream—just outside and below the turbine enclosure.
Revision Date: 5/28/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fuel System, Valve, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal, USA
Keeping Motion Control Systems Operating is Critical for CCGT
The challenge for power plants is keeping their critical motion control systems operating at the same high level as the original equipment in spite of 24/7 operations in rugged environments. Moog provides actuators and servo valves to most OEMs of gas and steam turbine equipment and works with the designers of new turbines to develop specifications. In addition, Moog provides Global Support repair and maintenance services and offers special services to help power plants minimize downtime and ensure optimized performance
Revision Date: 5/28/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Moog, Inc./ Ind'l. Controls Div., Valve, Actuator, Maintenance, Service & Repair, Motion Control
Eliminate Leakage by Drain, Vent, Block Valves
Select your valves carefully. Be sure metal seats are available when service temperatures are 400F and above, stems are blowout-proof, seat leakage meets the tightest specs after installation, coatings assure long life, and can be accessed internally, inline, for inspection and maintenance.
Revision Date: 5/28/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Valve, Leakage, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal
Inspect Steam Valves for Stellite Delamination
Stellite liberation from large valves installed in high-pressure (HP) and hot reheat (HRH) steam systems serving F-class combined cycles has emerged as an important industry concern. EPRI has established a committee on “Cracking and Disbonding of Hardfacing Alloys in Combined-Cycle Plant Valves” to dig into the details. The work, funded by several sponsors, began early this year. John Shingledecker (, the technical manager for this program, said the project timeline is estimated at 14 months.
Revision Date: 5/21/2015
Tags: EPRI, Structural Integrity Associates, Valve, Maintenance, Delamination, Combined Cycle Journal
High-Pressure Valves: Why you should buy only premium valves
This case study reviews the process of replacing a main steam valve for an F-class heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), including step-by-step photos. Given the extensive and expensive effort involved, the author suggests that HRSG valve selections consider quality and not just cost.
Revision Date: 4/22/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Bremco, Control Valve, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Valve, Maintenance, Flow Control, Combined Cycle Journal
Prepare Your Gas Plant for Cold Weather Operations
Extreme cold weather in February 2011 severely affected power generation in the southwestern region of the U.S. This article reviews lessons learned from that event including the protection of instrument lines, pipes and valves, compressed air systems, cooling towers and other plant systems.
Revision Date: 1/30/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Maintenance, Cold Weather, Power Magazine
Buffalo Pump Explains Lubrication Evolution to 7F Users
A 2007 design upgrade switched the thrust-bearing lubricant from grease to oil, supplied via a connection on the pump discharge, thereby extending the bearing replacement time to 30,000 hours.
Revision Date: 8/7/2014
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Buffalo Pumps, Pump, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal
Tenaska Lindsay Hill Generating Station Ammonia Pump Problem
The facility’s anhydrous-ammonia forwarding pumps did not allow for double-valve isolation during maintenance. These pumps are only required for use on very cold days. This requires additional maintenance and laying them up for periods of non-use. The system had single-valve isolation from the ammonia storage tank to the suction of the pumps, a potential safety risk for the O&M team.Solution. Plant management decided to install double-block-and-bleed capabilities to the liquid suction line from the storage tank and liquid return line to the storage tank
Revision Date: 8/7/2014
Tags: Tenaska, Ammonia, Pump, Valve, Maintenance, Safety, Combined Cycle Journal, USA
Gas turbines are the leading choice for additional capacity in the U.S. and Europe. As a result, in 2015 installed gas turbines will be capable of generating 1.3 million MW of electricity. This large and growing installed base has generated a substantial market for turbine components, steam cycle components, intake air filters and treatment chemicals. A number of McIlvaine publications forecast these expenditures and track the individual plant activity.
Revision Date: 7/18/2014
Tags: 221111 - Hydroelectric Power Generation 水力发电, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Service & Repair, Maintenance, Market
Layup Strategies for Maintenance Outages and when not Dispatched
Today’s challenging business environment, coupled with the volatility in natural-gas prices, has many merchant-plant owner/operators wondering when they will be dispatched next. Such uncertainty increases the complexity of decision-making regarding wet versus dry layup.
Revision Date: 6/11/2014
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ALS Consulting, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Maintenance, Heat Recovery, Combined Cycle Journal
HRSGs in cycling service are exposed to a variety of damage mechanisms that can cause premature pressure-part failures if not eliminated in the design phase of new units, or identified and mitigated early in the life of existing units.
Revision Date: 6/11/2014
Tags: Competitive Power Resources, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Maintenance, Service & Repair
Flow Accelerated Corrosion is a Problem to be Addressed
Better water chemistry and design have reduced the FAC potential but a number of steps need to be taken to minimize the risk.
Revision Date: 6/11/2014
Tags: Tetra Engineering, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Corrosion, Maintenance, Heat Recovery
ALS for CCUG HRSG Strategic and Financial Planning of HRSG Maintenance
Need a maintenance program which starts with an assessment of needs and identifies the magnitude of the potential problems, the frequency for review and a designated individual responsible for each.
Revision Date: 6/11/2014
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ALS Consulting, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Maintenance, Service & Repair, Heat Recovery
TVA Servier Combined Cycle Plant Solves Minor Problems and Plans for the Future
This article gives an overview of TVA's John Sevier 880MW Combined Cycle Plant which started up in 2012, including the plant's operating and maintenance experiences.
Revision Date: 12/31/2013
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tennessee Valley Authority, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal, USA
Engineered solution improves SCR performance significantly
Getting gas-turbine inlet air and exhaust gas to flow where and how you want it to in powerplant ductwork is akin to herding cats. The problem, as described by industry veterans Jim Carlton, president, Granite Ridge Energy LLC, and Larry Hawk, plant engineer, Granite Ridge Energy, operated by NAES Corp, was that the plant had been challenged by an underperforming NOx catalyst since commissioning. However, routine destructive sampling of the catalyst showed reactivity at or above expectations. And testing confirmed that the ammonia injection grid was properly balanced. What to do?
Revision Date: 11/20/2013
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Granite Ridge Energy, Catalyst, SCR, Performance, Service & Repair, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal
AIG Tuning, Catalyst for Life Forecasting
Many gas-turbine “bubble” units installed between 2000 and 2004 are operating with their original charge of SCR catalyst. These units have outlived the original catalyst warranty (typically three years) and have benefitted from a combination of conservative design and good luck. However, as these systems reach the decade mark, the design margins have diminished because of gradual (and inevitable) deactivation of the catalyst with age. As the catalyst nears its end of life, ammonia slip begins to increase exponentially. There are practical steps operators can take to avoid this scenario.
Revision Date: 11/20/2013
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fossil Energy Research Corp., Ammonia Injection Grid, Catalyst, SCR, Maintenance, Air Pollution Control, Combined Cycle Journal
HEPA an Alternative to Compressor Washing
About 10 manufacturers are actively pursuing GT owner/operators for their replacement filter business. But only W L Gore & Associates Inc, Elkton, Md, seems focused on HEPA filters at present. Perhaps the others believe the cost hurdle is too difficult to overcome: Turbine air filters often are considered a commodity with price the deciding factor in the selection process. Gore says its filter media offers a significantly lower pressure drop and longer effective lifetime than competitors’ products.
Revision Date: 11/4/2013
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, E.ON, W. L. Gore, Air Filter, HEPA Filter, Maintenance, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Combined Cycle Journal
Turbine Generator Maintenance Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013
TGM provides turn-key field service maintenance for all components of your turbine generator. We service the turbine, generator, exciter, control systems and auxiliaries either individually or in any combination. Our service area includes the United States, Caribbean, and South America.
Revision Date: 10/23/2013
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Turbine Generator Maintenance, Generator, Maintenance, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal