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Ion Exchange and Reverse Osmosis

The water treatment plant at a coal and biomass-fired power plant in the Netherlands was 35 years old and needed to be replaced. Ovivo provided an ion exchange and reverse osmosis system which upgraded the boiler feedwater quality to the new standards without replacing the condensate polishing plant.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ovivo Water, Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange, Ultrapure Water, Water Treatment, Netherlands

Case History of a Water Treatment System for Cogen Plant in Puerto Rico

The traditional approach to producing high quality water for cogeneration plants is to use ion exchangers followed by a polishing process. This case study reviews the advancements that have been made in membrane technologies and discusses the lessons learned from using reverse osmosis and electrodionization systems at a 300MW combined cycle cogeneration plant in Puerto Rico.

Revision Date:  4/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AVANTech, Membrane Filter, Electrodeionization, Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange, Liquid Filtration, Water Treatment, Puerto Rico