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Tenaska Lindsay Hill Generating Station Ammonia Pump Problem

The facility’s anhydrous-ammonia forwarding pumps did not allow for double-valve isolation during maintenance. These pumps are only required for use on very cold days. This requires additional maintenance and laying them up for periods of non-use. The system had single-valve isolation from the ammonia storage tank to the suction of the pumps, a potential safety risk for the O&M team.Solution. Plant management decided to install double-block-and-bleed capabilities to the liquid suction line from the storage tank and liquid return line to the storage tank

Revision Date:  8/7/2014

Tags:  Tenaska, Ammonia, Pump, Valve, Maintenance, Safety, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Improved Reliability of High-AVT (High-pH Water Treatment) Application to Combined Cycle Plants

Generally in the water treatment of combined cycle plants, ammonia and hydrazine are used in the feedwater system and phosphates are used in the boiler system. However, in Mexico, the Tuxpan No. 2 and No. 5 power plants have adopted “High-AVT (high-pH water treatment),” in which ammonia is used to set the pH of feedwater higher than the conventional level, requiring no phosphates in the boiler system. In response to such good operational results, MhI introduced high-AVT as an option for the water treatment of combined cycle plants.

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ammonia, Treatment Chemicals, Phosphate, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Water Treatment, Mexico

Simple Cycle SCR Designs by Bill Gretta, Eneractive Solutions - Hot Topic Hour September 19, 2013

Bill provided advice for single cycle SCR purchasers.

Revision Date:  9/19/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Eneractive Solutions, SCR, Ammonia, Ammonia Injection Grid, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control

Air Pollution Control for Gas Turbines Webinar - Hot Topic Hour September 19, 2013


Revision Date:  9/19/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Eneractive Solutions, Haldor Topsoe, SCR, Catalyst, Ammonia Injection Grid, Ammonia, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control

An Economical Alternative for HRSG SCR Reagent Supply by Stewart Bible, Fuel Tech - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013.

Stewart offered an economical alternative for HRSG SCR reagent supply.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fuel Tech, Ammonia, Aqueous Ammonia, SCR, Air Pollution Control, Urea Conversion, Nox Control

SCR DeNOx Systems by Robert (Bob) McGinty, Mitsubishi Power Systems - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013

Bob reviewed reliable control of NOx from simple cycle and combined cycle gas turbine applications.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Power Systems, SCR, Ammonia Injection Grid, Ammonia, Aqueous Ammonia, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control

Vogt Power Emission Control Solutions by Kelly Flannery, Kristen Cooper and Andrew Heid - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013.

Kelly covered three product lines for emissions control from combustion turbine exhaust.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Vogt Power International, SCR, Ammonia, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control

NOx Control for Gas Turbines - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013

NOx control for specific gas turbines, NOx control technology and new technologies being developed.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fossil Energy Research Corp., Fuel Tech, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Vogt Power International, Ammonia, IR Laser Spectroscopy, Analyzer - NH3, Ammonia Injection Grid, SCR, SNCR, Aqueous Ammonia, Air Pollution Control, Urea Conversion, Nox Control