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Gut Rehab Turns South Jersey Cogen Plant into Electricity Market Gem

Five years of essentially no maintenance investment or capital improvement at the Eagle Point Power Generation facility in Westville, NJ, had clearly taken its toll by the time Rockland Capital acquired the facility in April 2012. Today, Eagle Point expects the plant capacity factor to approach 50% once the last of the capital improvements are finished. Those improvements include everything from a punch list of 146 maintenance activities as well as capital upgrades, including a new steam turbine/generator, wet compression and fogging, and a complete gas turbine optimization and augmentation package which helped avoid the $11-million cost of an SCR.

Revision Date:  11/16/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Rockland Capital, Steam Turbine, Control System, Fogging System, Performance, Maintenance, Optimization, Upgrades, Air Treatment, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

The Power of Flexibility: Turbine Inlet Air Chilling Benefits

Gas turbines are constant volume air intake machines; consequently, air mass flow and resultant power output fall as ambient temperatures rise and air density falls. The purpose of Turbine Inlet Air Chilling (TIAC) is to restore the power output of a combustion turbine at elevated ambient temperatures to its rated capacity or better. As the critical 'operating system' of the TIAC enhancement, the control technology also plays an integral role in maximizing operational flexibility.

Revision Date:  11/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Rockwell Automation, Stellar Energy, Control System, Chiller, Temperature, Optimization, Air Intake, Automation, Power Engineering