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VFDs can make a big difference in optimizing pump energy consumption in cooling tower makeup

William Livoti writing in “Empowering Pumps" discusses some of the potential regulations which will force recycling of cooling water. He says that power plants need to assess their pump requirements and consider variable speed drives to reduce energy consumption. He cites the advantages when handling off peak loads. A specific example is given for the VFD saving with cooling water makeup pumps

Revision Date:  8/18/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, WEG, Cooling Tower, Variable Frequency Drive, Pump, Energy Efficiency, Regulation, Once Through Cooling, Flow Control, Empowering Pumps

Once Through Steam Generators - Design, Operation, and Maintenance Considerations by Landon Tessmer, Innovative Steam Technologies - Hot Topic Hour March 7, 2013

Landon explained that the Once-Through Steam Generator is a drumless HRSG that is smaller, more flexible, and simpler than a traditional, HRSG.

Revision Date:  3/7/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Innovative Steam Technologies, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Heat Recovery, Once Through Cooling