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Fuel Tech has large SNCR systems in China

Fuel Tech has units in Asia which are large e.g 4 x 680 MW and are achieving up to 78% NOx removal with a combination of SNCR and combustion modifications. These additional power points supplement the information provided by Dale Pfaf in sessions 1 & 2. AES Greenridge is 115 MW T -Fired and achieves 60% NOx reduction with combustion modifications, SNCR and ASCR

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fuel Tech, NOx, SNCR, Emissions Control, NOx Emissions Reduction, China

Upgrading Legacy Gas Turbines to Meet Challenging NOx and CO Permit Limits

At the Clark Generating Station in Nevada, four gas turbines with diffusion flame burn¬ers were commissioned around 1980 and permitted for 103 ppm NOx. The turbines were convert¬ed to dry low NOx combustors and now operate at less than 5 ppm. This article discusses what is involved in converting to DLN.

Revision Date:  8/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NV Energy, Low NOx Burner, NOx Emissions Reduction, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Managing the Catalysts of a Combustion Turbine Fleet

Historically, many gas plants have been operated cyclically with extended dormant periods due to high natural gas prices and a varying demand for the electricity the plant provides. For plants with an SCR system, stopping and laying up the equipment may accelerate aging of the catalyst system components, increasing the importance of inspections and preventative maintenance planning. This article discusses the process of economically managing a fleet of SCR-equipped gas turbines.

Revision Date:  8/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cormetech, Catalyst, SCR, Maintenance, NOx Emissions Reduction, Power Magazine