Internal Data Search by Process
Northern Lights, Faribault Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit
The Faribault Compressor Station consists of one 16,000 braking horsepower (BHP) natural gas turbine and one emergency generator. The turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subp. GG. The facility is considered not considered to be a major source under any air quality permitting regulations. The modification authorized by this amendment is to remove the 10,600 BHP limit on the natural gas turbine to allow operation of the turbine at full capacity of 16,000 BHP.
Revision Date: 10/20/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor, Pipeline, Engine, Gas Turbine, Generator, Construction, Gas-fired, Pipeline, Modification, Compression, Permitting, USA
Apex Expansion Project, Final Environmental Impact Statement
The purpose of the Apex Expansion Project is to transport an additional 266 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of natural gas on Kern River’s existing pipeline system from southwestern Wyoming to Nevada. Dependent upon Commission approval, Kern River proposes to begin construction in the fall 2010 and place the facilities into operation in November 2011. Kern River proposes to construct and operate: • approximately 27.6 miles of 36 – inch – diameter natural gas transmission pipeline loop extending southwest in Utah from Morgan County through Davis County to Salt Lake County • one new 30,000 horsepower compressor station (known as Milford Compressor Station) in Beaver County, Utah; • modifications to four existing compressor stations to add additional compressor (the Coyote creek Compressor Station located in Uinta County, Wyoming; the Elberta Compressor Station located in Utah County; and the Dry Lake Compressor Station located in Clark County, Nevada); • six mainline valves (four new and two existing that require modifications;) and • three pig launcher and two pig receiver facilities
Revision Date: 10/19/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Valves, Pipeline, Modification, Compression, Permitting, USA, USA, USA, USA