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AAF International

AAF’s primary focus is on gas turbine air intake, exhaust, ventilation and acoustic systems for the offshore industry.

Revision Date:  3/9/2020

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, AAF International, Air Filtration Systems, Bag Filter, Gas Turbine, Offshore, Solutions, Emissions Reduction, Operational Efficiency, Filtration, Global

New more efficient synthetic media for gas turbine inlet filters

Air filtration specialist Mann+Hummel launched compact filters Aircube Pro Power S and Nanoclass Cube Pro Power S for gas turbine air filtration that the company said are designed to deal with fine dust particle size for the first and ultra-fine dust for the second. Frank Spehl, Director of R&D at Mann+Hummel Vokes Air GmbH, Germany, explained that the new filter media is the answer to the challenges that operators of gas turbine plants face when they have to ensure that clean air is supplied to the engine. Whether gas turbines are operating in onshore or offshore locations, some challenges are common and include the fouling of the compressor blades, filter service life, system pressure drop, filter failure, and the corrosion by water and salt.

Revision Date:  10/29/2019

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Vokes Air, Mann+Hummel, Vokes Air, Gas Turbines, Air Filter, Compression Units, Offshore, Onshore, Testing, Efficiency, Filtration, Pressure

Wyodak installs full flow condensate filtration

This coal fired power plant used air cooled condensers which cause problems with the condensate. In 2011 PacifiCorp purchased Pall 20 micron filters for the full flow. The question posed at the time was whether it would be worth more efficient filters e.g. 10 micron or 6 micron. 5 years have now passed since this presentation at the 2011 ACC users group . What is the current status and experience?

Revision Date:  9/22/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, Pall Corporation, Flow Control Equipment, Cartridge, Filtration