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Data Search on: Pentair
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Cost Benefits of Critical Valve Repair in the Heat Recovery Steam Generator
Modern advance frame combined-cycle power facilities operate in a dispatch environment where cold starts, accelerated ramp rates and low load conditions are the norm and where Balance of Plant (BOP) equipment accounts for more than half of all forced outages. An analysis by Pentair revealed that valves are a significant contributing factor in forced outages, primarily based on their application numbers and the severity of their service applications. This article focuses on small bore vent valves and drain valves, reporting research findings that repairing these valves is more prudent and economical than replacing them.
Revision Date: 6/3/2015
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Pentair, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Valve, Life Cycle Cost, Optimization, Service & Repair, Heat Recovery, Fast Start, Power Engineering
Winn Butterfly Valves for Condensate Polishing at Chinese Gas Turbine Plant
With the availability of water determining the potential for power station development in China, Winn Hi-Seal high performance butterfly valves from Pentair are helping to satisfy the country's growing demand for electricity. Christ-Kennicott Water Technology Ltd lent its expertise to the project, supplying the equipment that removes potentially harmful contaminants from the water used in the thermal gas turbine plants.
Revision Date: 5/27/2014
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Pentair, Christ-Kennicott Water Technology, Valve, Condensate Polishing, China