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Veolia feedwater treatment package for South African GTCC plant

Veolia Water Technologies South Africa supplied a 10 m3/hour package plant to treat the boiler feed water at a natural gas-fired combined cycle power plant in Tanzania. The packaged water treatment plant will treat process water to the standards required by the power plant’s boilers. The company was contracted by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) responsible for the supply and installation of heat recovery boilers, steam turbines and other associated equipment. “Correctly treating the water cycle within the boiler system is critical to ensure the boilers provide optimum performance over their service life in order to increase plant efficiency,” explained Kgomotso Khomo, Project Engineer, Veolia Water Technologies South Africa. “Improper treatment of boiler feed water can result in overheating, failure to produce hot water or steam, a drop in the boiler flow rate, an overall loss of efficiency and component damage,” he added.

Revision Date:  6/18/2019

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Veolia, Water Treatment, Boiler, Steam Turbine, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Tanzania

Power Plant Wastewater Treatment Options and Obstacles Expand Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 12, 2015

With new effluent guide limits set to be promulgated later this year, there is lots of interest in technologies to minimize wastewater and to better treat the water which is discharged.

Revision Date:  3/12/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, U.S. DOE, Veolia, Reverse Osmosis, Zero Liquid Discharge System, Forward Osmosis, Heat Exchanger, Electrodeionization