Internal Data Search by Corporation Name
Data Search on: Zepco
The titles below have an association with your requested corporate name
Zepco Expansion Joint Retrofit at Florida Power Plant
Case study of a gas turbine power plant expansion joint retrofit by Zepco.
Revision Date: 11/22/2010
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Zepco, Exhaust Ductwork, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling, USA
Suppliers of Gas Turbine Expansion Joint Products
This is a summary of suppliers of fabric and metal expansion joints for gas turbine systems prepared by McIlvaine Company in 2010.
Revision Date: 10/21/2010
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Clyde Bergemann, Bachmann Dampjoint, BOA Group, Zepco, DEKOMTE, Hesse Equipment, U.S. Bellows, Frenzelit, Hyspan, Flexfab Niagara, Aerosun-Tola, FlexCom, Badger Industries, Parker RX Dynex, Papco Industries, Holz Rubber, James Walker Townson, WahlcoMetroflex, Senior Flexonics Pathway Metroflex Dampers, Flexider Flexider, KE Burgmann, Effox-Flextor, Expansion Joint, Directory, Exhaust Handling