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South Coast Air Quality Management District sets plan to control NOx from 17,000 small sources

Fifteen stationary source measures and 15 mobile source measures, anticipated to be adopted and implemented in the next 10 to 15 years will assist in attainment of the 8-hour ozone standard by 2031 together with CARB’s measures and reductions from federal sources. Twelve stationary source measures target NOx reductions that are further grouped into measure types: co-benefits from climate programs, incentive measures, additional stationary sources measures, and other measures. Three stationary source measures focus on limited, strategic VOC reductions and four additional measures have corresponding VOC reductions from other ozone or PM measures. SCAQMD’s mobile source measures include one emission growth management measure and 14 mobile source measures that are further grouped into four facility-based mobile source measures, five on-road and four off-road source measures, and one incentive program measure. Section 182(e)(5) of the CAA allows “extreme” ozone areas to include measures in their Plan that rely on the development of new technology or advancement of existing technology. These are sometimes referred to as black box measures. The 8-hour ozone measures in the 2016 AQMP specify current opportunities for emission reductions and thus are designed to reduce the reliance on the Section 182(e)(5) commitments in the 2007 AQMP NOx Combustion Sources Equipment # of Units A 372 Boilers, 2,511 Dryers 218 Flares , 175 Furnaces , 753 Heaters ,770 Incinerators . 192 Ovens 174 Stationary ICEs , 12,928 Turbines

Revision Date:  8/11/2016

Tags:  South Coast Air Quality Management District, NOx, Regulation, Air Pollution Control, USA

South Coast Air Quality Management District sets plan to control NOx from 17,000 small sources

Fifteen stationary source measures and 15 mobile source measures, anticipated to be adopted and implemented in the next 10 to 15 years will assist in attainment of the 8-hour ozone standard by 2031 together with CARB’s measures and reductions from federal sources. Twelve stationary source measures target NOx reductions that are further grouped into measure types: co-benefits from climate programs, incentive measures, additional stationary sources measures, and other measures. Three stationary source measures focus on limited, strategic VOC reductions and four additional measures have corresponding VOC reductions from other ozone or PM measures. SCAQMD’s mobile source measures include one emission growth management measure and 14 mobile source measures that are further grouped into four facility-based mobile source measures, five on-road and four off-road source measures, and one incentive program measure. Section 182(e)(5) of the CAA allows “extreme” ozone areas to include measures in their Plan that rely on the development of new technology or advancement of existing technology. These are sometimes referred to as black box measures. The 8-hour ozone measures in the 2016 AQMP specify current opportunities for emission reductions and thus are designed to reduce the reliance on the Section 182(e)(5) commitments in the 2007 AQMP NOx Combustion Sources Equipment # of Units A 372 Boilers, 2,511 Dryers 218 Flares , 175 Furnaces , 753 Heaters ,770 Incinerators . 192 Ovens 174 Stationary ICEs , 12,928 Turbines

Revision Date:  8/11/2016

Tags:  South Coast Air Quality Management District, NOx, Regulation, Air Pollution Control, USA