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Northern Lights 2017 Expansion Project

Project Overview Northern Natural Gas Company has announced its intention to construct and operate certain pipeline facilities in support of its customer’s growth requirements for natural gas. The Northern Lights 2017 Expansion project is a part of Northern’s commitment to a multi-year expansion project for its customers through 2026. The 2017 expansion includes plans to construct approximately 4.8 miles of 8- and 12-inch-diameter branch line loop extensions in Sherburne and Isanti counties, Minnesota. Northern also will, as part of the Project, install and operate an additional 15,900-horsepower (hp) ISO-rated compressor unit at its existing Faribault compressor station in Rice County, Minnesota. Northern will also make modifications to its town border stations and ancillary and appurtenant facilities. The proposed facilities are required to serve markets for industrial, commercial, and residential use that cannot be met by Northern’s existing infrastructure. The Project, as proposed, will allow Northern to transport an incremental peak day firm service load of approximately 76,000 decatherms per day (Dth/day) through the addition of the pipeline and compression facilities on Northern’s existing system. An open season was held in October 2015 to affirm and quantify market growth opportunities, to solicit interest for firm transportation service, and to identify the need to construct facilities necessary to deliver firm transportation service to Northern’s system north of Ventura, Iowa, for service commencing on or after November 1, 2017.

Revision Date:  10/17/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Pipeline, Compression, Construction, Expansion, Gas-fired, USA


MILES OF PIPELINE 16,400 DESIGN CAPACITY Approximately 7.8 billion cubic feet per day COMPRESSION STATIONS 63 TOTAL SYSTEM COMPRESSION 1,002,362 horsepower The BHE Pipeline Group consists of Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s interstate natural gas pipeline companies, Kern River Gas Transmission Company and Northern Natural Gas Company. • Kern River’s 1,700-mile system is a direct link between the abundant Rocky Mountain natural gas-producing basins and western markets, including Salt Lake City, Utah; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Southern California. • Northern Natural Gas’ 14,700-mile system extends from southwest Texas to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. • Together, Kern River and Northern Natural Gas delivered approximately 7 percent of the natural gas consumed in the U.S. in 2015. OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE • The reliability of natural gas delivery is crucial to meeting our customers’ needs. In 2015, Kern River had a compression reliability rate of 99.87% and Northern Natural Gas had a compression reliability rate of 99.99%. Mark Hewett, 49, is the president and CEO of the BHE Pipeline Group, which consists of Northern Natural Gas Company and Kern River Gas Transmission. In 1987, he joined MidAmerican Energy Company and served in a number of management positions, most recently as vice president of energy trading. In 2002, Hewett was selected as president of Northern Natural Gas upon MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company’s purchase of the company. In 2007, he also assumed executive responsibility for Kern River. Under Hewett’s leadership, the companies have provided industry-leading customer service. For the last seven years, Kern River and Northern Natural Gas have held the top two spots in the Mastio & Co. customer satisfaction survey. Kern River owns and operates 1,700 miles of pipeline in Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and California. The company is a direct link between the abundant Rocky Mountain natural-gas producing basins and western markets, including Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, and southern California. Kern River’s pipeline system has a design capacity of 2.17 billion cubic feet per day. Northern Natural Gas owns and operates 14,700 miles of transmission pipeline with facilities in twelve states and access to the major North American supply basins. Northern Natural Gas also owns and operates three underground natural gas storage fields and two liquefied natural gas storage facilities. Northern Natural Gas’ pipeline system has a design capacity of 5.7 billion cubic feet per day.

Revision Date:  10/17/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, BHE Pipeline Group, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Expansion, Construction, Compression, Pipeline, USA

Northern Lights, Faribault Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The Faribault Compressor Station consists of one 16,000 braking horsepower (BHP) natural gas turbine and one emergency generator. The turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subp. GG. The facility is considered not considered to be a major source under any air quality permitting regulations. The modification authorized by this amendment is to remove the 10,600 BHP limit on the natural gas turbine to allow operation of the turbine at full capacity of 16,000 BHP.

Revision Date:  10/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor, Pipeline, Engine, Gas Turbine, Generator, Construction, Gas-fired, Pipeline, Modification, Compression, Permitting, USA

Northern Lights, Albert Lea Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

Northern Natural Gas -Albert Lea is a natural gas compressor station. The facility operates a 119 MM Btu (15,596 hp) natural gas fired turbine (EU 001), used to compress natural gas in a pipeline. The turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subpart KKKK. The facility also has a 4.37 MM Btu (619 hp) diesel emergency generator (EU 002) to power the turbine during power outages. The generator is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subpart 1111. The engine is a 2007 model year or later with a displacement less than 10 liters per cylinder.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Generator, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Permitting, Pipeline, Compression, Gas-fired, USA

Northern Lights, Hugo Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The facility will use a 7229 hp natural gas-fired turbine to compress natural gas in a pipeline. The facility will operate an emergency generator as a backup for electrical power. Uncontrolled emissions from the facility are less than the thresholds for all criteria pollutants. However, the natural gas-fired turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subp. GG and the Permittee will therefore receive a state operating permit.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Gas Turbine, Generator, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Permitting, Compression, Pipeline, Gas-fired, USA

Northern Lights, North Branch Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

Northern Natural Gas Company operates a compressor station in North Branch to pressurize natural gas in order to facilitate its transmission through the pipeline system. The facility was built in 1966. The North Branch facility consists of four (4) natural gas-fired reciprocating engines to drive the pipeline natural gas compressors (all four are Worthington ML-7 2-stroke lean burn engines rated at 2,000 horsepower), a diesel-fired emergency generator (a Kohler D300 engine rated at 462 horsepower), and a natural gas fired boiler rated at 3.35 MMBtu/hr. The compressors pressurize the natural gas in the pipeline causing it to flow to the next compressor station. The primary emissions are nitrogen oxides (NOx) and greenhouse gasses (CO2e) from the reciprocating engines. Emissions are not controlled. The facility also has equipment that qualifies as insignificant activities under Minn. R. 7007.1300, subparagraphs 3 and 4. This permit is a reissuance of the Title V operating permit. In this permit, EU 005 (the natural gas-fired auxiliary generator engine) has been removed from the list of permitted facilities. Federal NESHAP requirements for the emergency generator and the boiler have been added.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Generator, Compressor Stations, Engine, Gas Turbine, Permitting, Gas-fired, Pipeline, Compression, USA

Northern Lights, Owatonna Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The Owatonna Compressor Station is used to pressurize natural gas in order to facilitate its transmission through a pipeline system. The facility consists of a 16,000 BHP natural gas-fired turbine and one emergency generator. The facility is subject to a New Source Performance Standard for the turbine, and therefore requires a permit.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Generator, Gas-fired, Permitting, Compression, Pipeline, USA