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Planning Upgrades: Evaluate the Regulatory Impacts of Upgrades Before you Buy

One ongoing study at NV Energy involves identifying possible upgrades for existing assets. Staff Engineer Susan Hill says that no particular upgrade can be applied across the utility’s fleet due to differences in regulatory requirements. For example, about three-quarters of NV Energy’s capacity is in southern Nevada, specifically Clark County; most of the remainder is in northern Nevada, relatively close to Reno. Some Clark County assets are in PM10 non-attainment areas; plus, ozone rules are not well defined for the county going forward. Northern plants are in an attainment area.

Revision Date:  11/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NV Energy, Permitting, Regulation, Combined Cycle Journal

NV Energy Coping with Stellite Delamination

CCJ editors participated in a round table with NV Energy personnel to discuss the first gas-turbine major inspection at its Walter M Higgins Generating Station. Higgins is a 2 x 1 combined cycle powered by 501FD2 gas turbines from Siemens Energy Inc. The roundtable covered a number of issues including large steam valves.

Revision Date:  2/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, NV Energy, Gas Turbine, Valve, High Performance Valve, Delamination, Flow Control, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Upgrading Legacy Gas Turbines to Meet Challenging NOx and CO Permit Limits

At the Clark Generating Station in Nevada, four gas turbines with diffusion flame burn¬ers were commissioned around 1980 and permitted for 103 ppm NOx. The turbines were convert¬ed to dry low NOx combustors and now operate at less than 5 ppm. This article discusses what is involved in converting to DLN.

Revision Date:  8/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NV Energy, Low NOx Burner, NOx Emissions Reduction, Combined Cycle Journal, USA