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New Technology for Monitoring Cycle Chemistry

This presentation discusses online analytical monitors of conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, sodium and silica which incorporate digital sensors to improve performance and provide predictive diagnostics. The digital conductivity sensor, for example, can provide a 33 percent improvement in system accuracy.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mettler Toledo, Monitoring Equipment, Sensor, Cycle Chemistry, Corrosion, Water Treatment, Monitoring

Combined cycle On-Line Measurements - Mettler Toledo presentation by David Gray

Specific conductivity, cation conductivity, dissolved oxygen, redox, pH, sodium, silica and total organic carbon are all measured by MT instruments. Intelligent digital sensors have advantages. Optical DO offers faster measurement and less maintenance but polarographic offers measurement to lowest concentrations

Revision Date:  9/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mettler Toledo, Monitoring Equipment, Sensor, Corrosion, Cycle Chemistry, Schematic, Water Treatment, Monitoring

Advanced Sensors for Power Plant Instruments

Mettler Toledo is offering pH and other instruments with advanced digital sensors that go well beyond basic measurement and digital signal conversion within the sensor. Such sensors fully exploit the opportunities available when measurements are made right next to the sensor element. They don’t compromise the measuring circuit design in order to accommodate the resistance and capacitance of long analog signal cables, especially for conductivity measurement. They don’t incur uncertainty when different measuring circuits are used to calibrate the sensor than are used in the final installation because the measuring circuit is inseparable from the sensor elements. In addition, they always utilize correct calibration data for their measurements because on-board memory retains it. Advanced digital sensors include real-time predictive diagnostics. These take the sensor’s cumulative operating exposure into account to forecast in real time when calibration, maintenance and replacement will be needed. Taken together, the sum of these advanced sensor capabilities are designated Intelligent Sensor Management or ISM®. ISM sensors are able to warn of the need for service before loss of accuracy or failure, making the measurements more reliable and increasing the efficiency of maintenance scheduling. They can also eliminate unnecessary servicing

Revision Date:  9/12/2018

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , 221118 - Other Electric Power , Mettler Toledo, Instrument, Ultrapure Water, pH, Conductivity