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Mee has 700 Inlet Air Fogging Systems Installed

Mee has 700 inlet air fogging systems installed including many offshore to reduce the gas temperature and add moisture to increase the efficiency of the turbines.

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Mee, Fogging System, Cooling, Air Intake, Offshore Technology Conference

Gas turbine Fogging Nozzles require High Pressure Pumps

Mee is a supplier of fogging systems including the pumps. Here is the pump specification: High-pressure fog pump units shall be ceramic plunger type with all wetted parts being stainless steel, ceramic or Buna rubber. Pumps shall be operated at not more than 700 rpm at full flow and rated for not less than 2000 psi maximum operating pressure.

Revision Date:  1/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mee, Fogging System, Air Intake