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Colfax Twin Screw Pump for Gas Turbine Naptha Fuel

The Colfax twn screw pump has a number of advantages which are outlined in a white paper when used to pump naptha as a secondary fuel in gas turbine operations.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  Colfax, Pump, Fuel

Colfax oil pumps for power generation

Paper shows diagrams with all points where oil is used: (1) truck unloading with three screw or gear pumps (2) barge unloading with centrifugal, two screw or three screw (3) tank unloading with three screw (4) day tank with three screw (5) transfer & oil treatment systems with P.C, three screw and gear (6) fuel reservoir with three screw (7) Fuel oil forward system with three screw (8) liquid fuel oil injection system into the turbine with two screw, three screw or gear ( 9) gear box with three screw (10) lube, jacking control & seal oil systems for generator with centrifugal, gear or three screw (11) generator gear box with three screw.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  Colfax, Pump, Fuel