July 2012
No. 393


Market Potential and Demand for Water Treatment Monitoring Products Causing a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 5.2%

Water monitoring and testing companies cover a large range of applications including potable water, wastewater, swimming pool, beer and soda industries. Because of this, water must be monitored for various amounts of certain components depending on the industry. In response to this, the monitoring market is maturing to develop technologies for the testing of contaminants applicable across all the industries. There are also different types of monitoring, including integrated and discreet; causing product differentiation and an additional demand for data software to contain the collected information. The market of water monitoring services is dependent on a small number of large firms that dominate the market and it is currently very dependent on testing laboratories.  However, there is still potential for new companies to make profit in this field since the global turnover for environmental sensing and monitoring products was recorded having a compound annual growth rate of 5.2%.


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