July 2012
No. 393

European Water Framework Directive Aims for "Good Quality Water" by 2015, Increasing the Water Quality Monitoring Market

The new European Water Framework Directive is a structured program for management of water resources in order to achieve overall good quality of water by 2015.  This will be accomplished through careful monitoring of surface water and groundwater and implementation of gradual improvements. Specifically, the WARMER project was launched in 2006, aiming to create an extended system for real-time water quality monitoring to help achieve the end goal. To do this, the project integrates chemical sensors, analytical chemistry, remote sensing and extensive networking of environmental water monitoring data in space and time. By 2015, they are hoping for improved interactive functions for near real time calibration of remote sensing images using point measurement data collected by an automated water monitoring station in order to develop spatial and short term temporal forecast of pollution coming from accidental spills in natural water bodies.



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