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Basics of Deionization


How to meet dissolved oxygen specifications with degasification membranes


Increased Water Treatment Plant Capacity at Mexican Power Station


ELGA Labwater, LLC at UltraPure Water Pharma 2013


Electrodeionization: an InterWebView™ with Michael Snow, President of Snowpure

News Release: 

China Will be the Leading Purchaser of Ultrapure Water Ion-Exchange and EDI Systems in 2017


Achieving Lower Operating Costs and Better Water Quality with More Advanced Ion Exchange System Designs - Hot Topic Hour January 27, 2011


Power Industry Experience Using Micro Media Filtration and Short Bed Ion Exchange, presented by Geoff Hong, Eco-Tec Inc., at Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, June 7-9, 2011, Champaign, Illinois


Resin wafer-electrodeionization for flue gas carbon dioxide capture


Some alternate technologies for high purity boiler feedwater treatment by Michael Dejak, Eco-Tec - Hot Topic Hour December 18, 2014

Product Description: 

RWL Water designs, manufactures, and commissions advanced ultra pure water solutions using electrode ionization technologies

Webinar Recording: 

Boiler Feed and Cooling Water Treatment Webinar - Hot Topic Hour January 27, 2011

Webinar Recording: 

Boiler Feedwater Purification has to deal with varying Water Quality – Hot Topic Hour December 18, 2014