A Wireless Vibration Monitoring System |
Align SCR Start/Stop Sequence with GT Fast-Start Sequence |
EPA Announces $37 Million Plan to Clean Up DDT-Contaminated Sediments in Ocean Floor off Palos Verdes Penisula, CA |
Godwin Pumps Emphasize Contingency Plans for Backup Pumps |
LGR Sells Five N2O/CO Analyzers to the California Air Resources Board |
Case Study:
Flygt Pumps Included in Groundwater Remediation System for California Storage Tank Farm |
Case Study:
Jabsco Flexible Impeller Pump part of California winery |
AGS - American Glovebox Society Conference, San Francisco, CA, July 18-20, 2011 |
HydroVision International 2011,Sacramento, CA, July 19-22, 2011 |
Intersolar North America 2011, San Francisco, CA, July 12-14, 2011 |
Printed Electronics Conference / Photovoltaics Conference, Santa Clara, CA, November 29-December 1, 2011 |
Residuals and Biosolids 2011, Sacramento, California, May 22-25, 2011 |
SEMICON West 2011, San Francisco, CA, July 12-14, 2011 |
WEFTEC 2011, Los Angeles, CA, October 17-19, 2011/ Pump Exhibitors |
WEFTEC 2011, Los Angeles, CA, October 17-19, 2011/ Valve Exhibitors |
WINDPOWER 2011 Conference & Exhibition, Aanaheim, CA, May 22-25, 2011. |
2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition Exhibitors |
Residuals and Biosolids 2011, Sacramento, California, May 22-25, 2011/ Exhibitors |
A Comprehensive Study of Micropollutants Rejection by Forward Osmosis and Hybrid FO-RO - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Tzahi Cath, Colorado School of Mines |
A Direct Method for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Antiscalant Retardation of Crystal Nucleation and Growth on RO Membranes - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Alex Bartman, UCLA |
Achieving Manganese Removal at an MF/UF Plant Requires Proper Pretreatment and Raw Water Quality Monitoring - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31 2011 by Benjamin Klayman |
Application of Converting Existing Conventional Surface Water Treatment Plants to Integrated Membrane Systems - 2011 Membrane Technology Conf. & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Ken Anderson, Genivar |
Application of Membrane Distillation for Draw Solution Recovery in Forward Osmosis System - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Sangho Lee, Korea Inst. of Technology |
Applying LBWD/'s Pipe Loop Test Results for the Integration of Desalinated Water - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28-31, 2011 by Yan Zhang, DXV Water Technologies |
Behaviour of Foulants under Different Hydrodynamic Conditions at the Surface of Submerged Membranes - 2011 Membrane Techn. Conf. & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Pierre Berube, U of British Columbia |
Brackish and Seawater RO Pretreatment - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Bill Conlon, Parsons Brinckerhoff |
Brackish Water RO Process - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Matthew Trzcinski, Gannett Fleming |
CEMS for Calabas Landfill Gas by Len Richter, Cisco - Hot Topic Hour April 17, 2014 |
Challenges of Identifying, Evaluation and Implementing Antiscalants in RO Reuse Applications - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28-31 by Tom Knoell, Orange County Water District |
Comparison of Nanofiltration and RO Membranes to Produce High Quality Water for Indirect Potable Reuse - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Bruce Mansell, LA County Districts |
Comparison of Permeability and Fouling Trends for Two Different Generations of Norit Membranes at the Columbia Heights UF Plant - 2011 Membrane Tech Conf & Exhib. March 28-31, 2011 by Graeme Pearce |
Comparison of Surface Water Pretreatment Technologies for Membrane-based Drinking Water Production Processes - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Nathalie Vigneron-Larosa, Veolia Environnement |
Comparison of Ultrafiltration Systems for Small Potable Water System Improvements - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Wontae Lee, KICT |
Comparison of UV, UV/Peroxide, Ozone, and Ozone/Peroxide for Organic Fouling Control in RO Membrane Applications - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Aleks Pisarenko, Southern Nevada Water Authority |
Cost of Desalinating Seawater based on LBWD's Prototype Facility Testing - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28, 2011 - March 31, 2011 by Tai Tseng, Long Beach Water Dept. |
Demonstrating Improved RO Membrane Performance When Reclaiming Secondary Municipal Waste - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Richard Franks, Hydranautics |
Description of an On-line Fouling Characterization Tool for the Mery-sur-Oise Nanofiltration Plant - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Kecili Karima, Veolia Eau |
Developing Potable Reuse Regulations in California - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Heather Cooley, Pacific Institute |
Development of the Best Pretreatment for Low Pressure Membranes on High Organic Surface Water, 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28, 2011 - March 31, 2011 by Kristin Hink, MWH |
Economics of Membrane Filtration & Desalting - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Robert Huehmer, CH2M Hill |
Effect of Magnetic Ion Exchange Pretreatment on the Removal of Organic Microconstituents by Low Pressure RO - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Joseph Jacangelo |
Effects of Secondary Wastewater Treatment Process Design on Tertiary Membrane Filtration Performance, 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Paul Gallagher, Siemens |
Emission Control Technology Detail: Orange County Sanitation District
Technology Demonstration Project |
Energy Recovery in RO Applications: Case Studies - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28, 2011 - March 31, 2011 by Srinivas Veerapaneni, Black & Veatch |
Evaluating Membrane Fouling Conditions from Demonstration-Scale Under-Ocean Floor Seawater Intake System - 2011 Membrane Tech. Conference & Exhib., March 28-31, 2011 by Jason Allen, Long Beach Water |
Fate of Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes during Desalination of Chloraminated Seawater - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Jean-Philippe Croue |
Feasibility of Electrodialysis for Inland BWRO Concentrate Treatment - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by W. Shane Walker, Univ. of Texas at El Paso |
Fibre Replacement: Planning for the Future - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Jeff Hennings, Region of Peel Public Works |
Fully Automated Feed Flow-Reversal Operation of RO Desalination: An Effective Approach for Suppressing Membrane Mineral Scaling - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Han Gu, UCLA |
Future Regulations and Constituents of Emerging Concern - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Bruce Macler, USEPA Region 9 |
Getting the Most Our of High Pressure Membranes - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Scott McClelland, Sweetwater Authority |
High Rate Clarification with Plates for Membrane Treatment 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28, 2011 - March 31, 2011 by Yue Sun, CDM |
Hybrid Models for Predicting Rejection of Micropollutants by NF and RO Membranes, 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Gary Amy, King Abdullah University |
Increasing Recovery - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by John Ferrara, Eastern Municipal Water District |
Indirect Potable Reuse: Examine the Sustainability of Three Different Advanced Water Treatment Schemes - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Jim Lozier, CH2M Hill |
Innovative Approaches to Optimizing Sulfuric Acid Usage at West Basin - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 - by Christiana Daisey, West Basin Municipal Water District |
Integrity Testing for Reverse Osmosis Systems - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Douglas Brown, Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. |
Investigating the Effect of NF and RO Membrane Surface Chemistry on Organic Fouling and Chemical Cleaning Using QCM-D - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Alison Contreras, Rice University |
Investigating the Limits of Technologies for MBR, RO & AOP Processes to Achieve Ultra-Low Levels of Nutrients & Micropollutants - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Zakir Hirani, MWH Americas |
Investigation of Nanofiltration Fouling and Cleaning - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Jill Chlebeck, Separation Processes |
IRP Update and Long Range Supplies for MWD - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Brandon Goshi, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California |
Knowing the Application: Ceramic or Polymeric Membranes? - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Frank Rombardo, Jacobs |
Low Pressure Membrane Piloting Testing - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Ryan Furukawa, Professional Water Technologies |
Making Siphon SiFun: The Mid Dakota Rural Water Expansion - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Chris Lipski, GE Water and Process Technologies |
Mechanisms of Combined Fouling of Reverse Osmosis Membranes by Gypsum Scale and Colloids - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28-31, by Vlad Tarabara, Michigan State University |
Membrane Autopsies - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Sara Pietsch, Avista Technologies |
Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Ben Freeman, Hydranautics |
Membrane Fiber Breakage: Case Histories, Probable Causes, and Possible Solutions - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Richard Stratton, HDR Engineering |
Membrane Fiber Breakage: Case Histories, Probable Causes, and Possible Solutions - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 byRichard Stratton, HDR Engineering |
Membrane Plant Start-Up & Troubleshooting - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Gary Witcher, California Water Service |
Membrane System Design Concepts - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Paul Mueller, CH2M Hill |
MF/UF Cleaning and Integrity - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Mehul Patel, Orange County Water District |
Microconstituents Removal Via RO, Ion Exchange and Ultra Violet Advanced Oxidation Processes - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Edwin Castilla, Hazen and Sawyer |
Microfiltration System Upgrade at the AWT - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Robert Boysen, Separation Processes |
Micropollutants Removal Prediction for High Recovery Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis, 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Celine Bullet, Veolia Environnement |
Mineral Scaling of RO Membranes in the Presence of a Biofilm - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by John Thompson, UCLA |
Models to Predict Organic Contaminant Removal by RO and NF Membranes - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Christopher Bellona, Clarkson University |
Operation and Troubleshooting - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Eric Owens, Separation Processes |
Operation and Troubleshooting - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition by Rob Goodlett - March 28 - March 31, 2011 |
Operation of a Groundwater Desalination Pilot Plant in South Texas: Challenges and Lessons Learned - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Roberto Macias, San Antonio Water System |
Optimal Location for an Ultra Filtration Membrane in a Drinking Water Plant Treating Lake Water Without Final Chlorination - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Jakob Helbing, Zurich Water Supply |
Overview of the Irving Ranch Desalter - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Carl Spangenberg, Irvine Ranch Water District |
Ozone Pretreatment of a Non-Nitrified Secondary Effluent Before Microfiltration - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Fredrick Gerringer, Trussell Technologies |
Pacific Northwest Water Challenge for Ultrafiltration Membrane - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28, 2011 - March 31, 2011 by Ian Wright, Associated Engineering |
PCME Forward light scatter analyzer measures mass on wet stacks |
Performance of a Hybrid Membrane Process Using Biological PAC - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Benoit Barbeau, Ecole Polytechnique De Montreal |
Pilot Testing of Ceramic and Polymeric Membranes for a 30-MGD Water Treatment Plant - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Mike Norris, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
Pre and Post-Membrane Treatment - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Brent Alspach, Malcolm Pirnie |
Preatreatments for Selective Removal of NOM and their Effects on Membrane Filtration, 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Haiou Huang, John Hopkins Bloomberg School |
Pretreatment for SWRO - Current Practices from Water Research Foundation Survey - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Srinivas Veerapaneni, Black & Veatch |
Problems and Solutions in Dealing With the Presence of Coliform Bacteria in the RO Permeate Discharge Osmosis - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Kevin Watson. |
Procurement and Delivery Methodologies - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Vincent Roquebert, Carollo Engineers |
Real-Time Monaitoring of Mineral Scaling for Reverse Osmosis Desalination - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Alex Bartman, UCLA |
Reversible/Irreversible Fouling of Low Pressure Membranes in Drinking Water Treatment 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by John Tobiason, U of Mass. |
RO/NF Membranes for Wastewater Reuse - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by James DeCarolis, MWH Americas |
Seawater Desalination with Large Diameter RO Elements in Chile - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28, 2011 - March 31, 2011 by Henia Yacubowicz, Koch Membrane |
Seawater RO Process - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Jorge Aquinaldo, Doosan Hydro Technology |
Selecting Organic Removal Pretreatment Processes for Membrane Filtration Facilities - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Supramaniam Suthaker, Associated Engineering |
Start-Up and Operation of the Wochholz Regional Water Reclamation Facility - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Kevin King, Yucaipa Valley Water District |
TDL provides accurate HCl measurement |
To Settle or Not to Settle: Evaluating Direct Coagulation and Membrane Treatment 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition March 28, 2011 - March 31, 2011 by Adam Evans, HDR Engineering |
Treating High TDS Brackish Water in Sandoval County, New Mexico - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Robert Fowlie, CDM |
Ultrafiltration Lowers DBPs for Palatka, Florida - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31 2011 by David Edson, Hoyle Tanner & Associates |
Upgrades Challenges and Logistics - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by David Smith, Olivenhain Municipal Water District |
Use of Ex Situ Detectors to Simulate NF/RO Membrane Performance in a Full-Scale System - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Dian Tanuwidjaja |
Using Polymers During Clarificatin of Membrane Feedwaters - It's Not as Scary as they Say - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Lawrence Schimmoller, CH2M Hill |
Utilization of High Pressure Membranes to Allow Recovery of Waste Brine from Ion Exchange Treatment of Drinking Water Sources - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Miguel Arias, Orica Watercare Inc. |
Video and thermography improve boiler operation |
Water Quality Performance and Applications - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Erik Desormeaux, CDM |
Zero Discharge Desalination: Maximum Recovery of Brackish Groundwater Utilizing Ion Substitution Electrodialysis - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Brad Biagini, N.A. Water Systems |
Technical Paper:
Gas Turbine NOx Reduction Retrofit |