Trends in Marine Dissolved Oxygen: Implications for Ocean Circulation Changes and the Carbon Budget |
Further proof of coronavirus transmission through the air |
A Direct Method for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Antiscalant Retardation of Crystal Nucleation and Growth on RO Membranes - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Alex Bartman, UCLA |
Fully Automated Feed Flow-Reversal Operation of RO Desalination: An Effective Approach for Suppressing Membrane Mineral Scaling - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition, March 28-31, 2011 by Han Gu, UCLA |
Mineral Scaling of RO Membranes in the Presence of a Biofilm - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by John Thompson, UCLA |
Real-Time Monaitoring of Mineral Scaling for Reverse Osmosis Desalination - 2011 Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition - March 28 - March 31, 2011 by Alex Bartman, UCLA |