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Steelmaking includes all the activities involved in manufacturing and transforming steel. There are two main sectors in the industry that differ according to the source of the iron (iron ore or scrap iron) and the processing techniques used.

Steelmaking from iron ore

    • This sector comprises primarily the classic blast furnace technique (90% of production worldwide) which uses iron ore and coke to product pig iron that, following various treatments, becomes steel. This technique requires auxiliary installations to condition the raw materials (iron ore, coal) and to treat the by-products (slag, exit gas, waste water). Consequently, in addition to the installations for the blast furnaces, a number of secondary installations are required:

      •Pelletizing plant
      •Sintering plant
      •Coking plant
      •Slag granulation plant
    • Of lesser importance is the direct reduction of iron ore to a solid state (lump iron oxide pellets and/or lump iron ore) at temperatures under 1000-1100°C to obtain a solid residue (direct reduced iron) that can be used directly to supply electric furnaces for steel production.


Steelmaking from scrap iron

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    • Following fusion and metallurgical treatments, recycled scrap iron can be used in an electric furnace to produce new steel.



A steel plant comprises a very wide range of installations (primarily thermal) to prepare and process the materials used to make steel. These installations require diverse types of steel capable of resisting severe operating conditions in terms of abrasion, impacts, fatigue, cracking, corrosion and temperature.

The operator must ensure continuous operation of all plant installations. Decisions concerning the steels used for steelmaking equipment are of great importance and the goal is to determine the properties that will guarantee the best operating conditions, the least down time and the maximum service life of the equipment used.

Industeel proposes a wide range of abrasive-resistant steel solutions to keep steelmaking equipment up and running far longer, thereby eliminating costly downtime, production losses and unnecessary investments in additional equipment. In addition to abrasion resistance, Industeel products offer uniform wear and high workability.

Industeel has solutions for the needs of all types of steelmaking equipment, including high yield strength, impact strength, corrosion resistance and temperature withstand.

And beyond standard products, Industeel has the necessary know-how to find effective solutions to new problems as well as more cost-effective alternatives for existing solutions.

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