You are part of the energy supply chain, working day to day to meet one of the greatest challenges of the 21st Century. The stakes are high, with a goal of providing everyone with access to energy, a vital commodity in today's world.
Two key aspects are the production of fuels and the generation of electricity. Whatever side your are on, your needs in terms of infrastructure are enormous and may extend around the world.
You also face important environmental constraints. Every day, you strive to improve the efficiency of your processes, resulting in increasingly stringent operating conditions for your infrastructures and equipment and the steels they are made of.
Industeel has optimized steel solutions to meet the very special needs of your energy activities, whether you are in oil extraction and refining, nuclear power, liquefied natural gas processes, conventional power plants or alternative energy production.
And if you have a new problem, or are looking for a better solution for an old problem, remember to give us a call. We have the long experience and special know-how required to develop and produce new steel solutions to meet your needs today and tomorrow.
Oil will continue to be a main source of energy for years to come. To meet the demand, we will have to tap less accessible reserves like oil sands, oil shales or deep offshore deposits. This will have an impact on the processes and materials used for extraction and treatment.
Industeel has long supplied the steel products required to build the installations used to find, extract and refine oil. This valuable experience puts us in a position to supply steel grades capable of meeting the most extreme conditions in terms of exposure to hydrogen, high temperatures, toughness requirements, etc.
We develop and produce steel formats and grades to the highest quality specifications on the market. In this way, we can provide you with reliable solutions that guarantee equipment safety and components capable of withstanding the most severe operating conditions.
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Before using natural gas as a fuel, you have to treat it to separate the various types of gas and remove any impurities. It can then be liquefied to facilitate transport. These steps involve very different operating conditions for the materials used.
For gas
processing, you need steel grades capable of resisting the fragilizing effects
of wet H2S. Industeel produces these steels to meet the most demanding
Gas transportation, e.g. GTL also needs special steel solutions to meet its challenges.
Another characteristic example is the storage of liquefied natural gas at cryogenic temperatures, i.e. -163°C. The steel used must have exceptional properties in terms of its toughness. Industeel is a leading supplier of high-grade steel products and imposes quality levels exceeding those specified in standards.
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Vast reserves worldwide mean coal will remain a major term in the energy equation. After mining, it may be used in solid form for electricity generation, but can also be transformed into a liquid fuel capable of replacing other energy sources.
The use of CTL (coal
to liquid) technology is growing rapidly and involves a number of steps,
depending on the process employed. For both direct (dissolution and cracking)
and indirect (gasification followed by the Fischer-Tropsch reaction) methods,
the reactors used require high-performance steels.
Industeel offers a complete range of steel grades suited to the demands of CTL processes. And remember, we also have the experience and know-how to adapt and develop optimized solutions for your specific needs. Just give us a call.
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Oil can be used as a fuel to generate electricity, most often by producing high-temperature steam to drive turbines.For the steam cycle, you need steels that retain their properties at high temperatures and over long periods of time.
Whether your techniques use boilers or tubes for the high-temperature steam, Industeel has a number of tried and tested solutions covering a wide range of thicknesses. We are also developing new solutions to improve steel performance at high temperatures to meet future requirements in thermal power stations.
You also need heat resistant materials for your combustion processes, as well as highly corrosion resistant steel grades for the flue gas cleaning systems that help reduce pollution, in particular CO2 emissions.
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You may use natural gas as a fuel to generate electricity using gas turbines or conventional steam turbines. Or maybe you use highly efficient combined cycles in which a gas turbine first generates electricity and then the waste heat in the exhaust is recovered to produce steam and generate additional energy using a steam turbine.
In any case, for the steam cycle, you need steels that retain their properties at high temperatures and over long periods of time.
Whether your
techniques use boilers
or tubes for the high-temperature steam, Industeel has a number of tried and
tested solutions covering a wide range of thicknesses. We are also developing
new solutions to improve steel performance at high temperatures to meet future
requirements in thermal power stations.
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Coal is often widely as a fuel to generate electricity by producing high-temperature steam to drive turbines whether by direct burning or by gasification processes.
For the steam cycle, you need steels that retain their properties at high temperatures and over long periods of time.
Whether your techniques use boilers or tubes for the high-temperature steam, Industeel has a number of tried and tested solutions covering a wide range of thicknesses. We are also developing new solutions to improve steel performance at high temperatures to meet future requirements in thermal power stations.
You also need heat resistant materials for your combustion processes, highly corrosion resistant steel grades for the flue gas cleaning systems that help reduce pollution, and special equipment to mitigate CO2 emissions and ensure proper carbon capture.
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Nuclear power
contributes to meeting the world energy challenge without increasing greenhouse
gases, which explains why it is used in many countries. The current difficulty
is to extend the life of existing power stations while building new ones with
even safer and more efficient nuclear technology.
Nuclear reactors, nuclear waste transport and storage casks all require high-purity nuclear-grade steels, often in great thicknesses. And for the steam turbines used to generate electricity from nuclear power, you need steels that retain their properties at high temperatures and over long periods of time.
In addition to steels for steam boilers and tubes, Industeel has extensive experience in nuclear-grade products and offers a wide range of sizes suited to nuclear power stations, primary looks as well as for both steel plate and formed parts that offer sufficient reliability to replace forged solutions. Our factories have been approved by all major nuclear certification organizations (ASME III, RCCM) and we produce all the steel grades required for nuclear applications. In addition, we have the necessary know-how to develop new and better steel solutions for both existing and future nuclear technologies.
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Hydroelectric power generation is an old concept that remains fully applicable in today's world where renewable energy is vitally important. Hydroelectric projects require a number of steel elements such as the penstocks that carry the water to the turbines, the turbines themselves and their housings, as well as water gates.
These installations require steel with exceptional mechanical properties including weldability and reliability in forming.
Industeel offers high-strength steel solutions with enhanced weldability in a wide range of formats for applications ranging from penstocks to heavy-duty plates used to build massive structural parts, lean duplex or weldable martensitic (13 4 Mo or PH grades ) combining strength and useful resistance to corrosion , cavitation and wear ….
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To meet the energy challenge of the 21st Century, new power generation
solutions will play an increasingly important role. Alternative energy solutions
such as wind farms, tidal power plants and fuel cells all have very special
operating conditions. Steel grades used in these installations must therefore
maintain their properties when exposed to seawater, hydrogen or high
Industeel has already developed specialized steels and alloys for new energy applications such as windmill gear boxes. Furthermore, our high alloy stainless grades have found applications in geothermal power generation, biodiesel and bioethanol plants.
Industeel has the necessary know-how to develop new and better steel solutions for both existing and future alternative energy applications. Why not let us help you find the best solution for your new energy project. Together we can meet the energy challenge.
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