Sulzer Retrofit of Existing German Power Plant Jänschwalde

Application:   boiler feed water pump

In 1994 the Vereinigte Energiewerke Aktiengesellschaft  VEAG in Berlin decided to modernize the boiler feed pumps at their Jänschwalde ignite-burning station. There are two steam generators to each of the six 500 MW blocks of identical design. Efficiency of these pumps was raised from 78 to 85 percent with Sulzer Pumps.

This contract is especially important because in the CIS countries there are many more of these boiler feed pumps performing unsatisfactorily. 

Sulzer Pumps supplied a six-stage cartridge with appropriate adaptation, for insertion into the existing barrel casing of each oil five-stage pump.  in May 1994 the contract was placed for the upgrading of the 12 turbo feed pump sets.


Design Date of the Turbine-Driven Feed Pumps

                               Capacity                                   1110m3/h

                               Head                                         3050m

                               Speed                                        6135 rpm

                               Temperature                               170°C

                                Efficiency                                    85-85.5%

                               Power input                                 9200 kW