Power Air Quality  Insights  
No. 19     August 25, 2011






The following insights can be sent to you every week. This alert contains the details on the upcoming hot topic hour, breaking news, and the headlines for the Utility E Alert for the previous week. This is one of a number of free services. You can sign up for any of these newsletters and of course request to be removed from the mailing list at any time. See registration following the newsletter.



·        Combustion Optimization and Dry FGD are the September Hot Topic Subjects

·        Here are the Headlines for the August 19, 2011 – Utility E Alert

·        Technology to Drive the Fluid Treatment and Flow Market

·        Marine Power Moving Forward












Combustion Optimization and Dry FGD are the September Hot Topic Subjects


The Dry Scrubber Users Association Annual Conference and Exhibit is scheduled for September 12 to 15. The following week on Sept 22, we will conduct a Hot Topic Hour to summarize and analyze the information discussed at the conference.  Jim Downey has a great assembly of panelists slated. This session will be free to the Dry Scrubber Conference attendees and association members.  Otherwise, it is our standard arrangement which is free for Tracking System and Air Quality Decisions subscribers and $125 for non qualifiers.


On September 21 at 10 a.m. we will conduct a free session open to anyone who registers on combustion optimization. The speaker will be:


Dave Earley - AMC Power



Dave will be covering combustion optimization systems that utilize air and coal flow measurement technologies in a McIlvaine webinar in the near future. Dave will review success stories where NOx, CO and LOI were reduced and boiler efficiency was improved.






Here are the Headlines for the August 19, 2011 – Utility E Alert





#1038– August 19, 2011


Table of Contents












§  Bangladesh/Bahrain JV to build 750 MW Kodda Combined Cycle Power Plant

§  Uncertainty over Fate of 1,500 MW Bawana Gas Turbine Power Plant

§  Arabian Bemco says its Bid was lowest for 1,300 MW Riyadh Expansion

§  PGE and Police (Chemical Producer) could build 600 MW Cogeneration Plant

§  Bangladesh has loan for Gas-fired power plant at Ashuganj

§  Iraq has three Bids to install Siemens Gas Turbines in Taji










§  EPA affirms NAAQS for Carbon Monoxide

§  Daewoo to build 2000 MW Sur in Oman

§  Sahara India Power Corp. and Korea East-West Power Co enter Joint Agreement to Bid for UMPP Projects in India

§  2011 Dry Scrubber Users Conference - Scrubber Technology Decision: CDS vs. SDA






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Technology to Drive the Fluid Treatment and Flow Market


There are many new products and concepts which will influence the markets for fluid treatment and flow control technology.  Development is not taking place as fast as it is in semiconductors or pharmaceuticals.  Nevertheless, the market leaders of the future will be those with improved technology and lower life cycle costs and not those with the lowest initial price.


These new developments are tracked continually in various McIlvaine publications (www.mcilvainecompany.com).  Here are some of them:




Industeel has a large research facility in France and is continually striving to improve the materials which are used in pumps, scrubbers, clarifiers, stacks and other equipment.  Recently, they have developed a whole new family of duplex stainless steels.


Lhoist has developed a high surface area calcium sorbent for capture of air pollutants in flue gas.


Kemira has introduced bromine compounds for mercury oxidation and is also building a plant in the U.S. to use flue gas desulfurization gypsum to produce a high quality paper coating.


Hitachi has a new system to make hydrochloric acid from power plant stack gases.




Two companies have developed multi metals analyzers which can continuously measure each of the toxic metals in flue gas.


In Situ has an improved dissolved oxygen monitor which eliminates the need for chemicals and provides accuracy at low ppm measurements in ultrapure water.


A number of companies such as Rockwell, Neuco, Siemens and Emerson have developed optimization systems for air and water pollution control.




Dow has introduced a 16 inch diameter reverse osmosis membrane which can reduce energy consumption significantly.


Siemens just announced a combination of electrodialysis and electrodeionization for desalination of seawater at lower energy cost than either reverse osmosis or thermal processes.


Nalco and Argonne have partnered in development of electrodeionization to more economically manufacture biofuels.


W. L. Gore has a new stack gas membrane which will remove mercury.


A number of pump and valve manufacturers are making their products smarter. This means higher reliability, lower maintenance and less energy consumption.


Pump manufacturers are improving designs to recover energy from reverse osmosis processes and make desalination economical.


Duechting, Weir and KSB have developed ceramic pumps to handle flue gas limestone slurries with flows of more than 50,000 gpm. The ceramic material has proven able to handle the abrasion and corrosion encountered in the application.


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Marine Power Moving Forward


Although still in the development stage there is a lot of work being done to harness the energy of marine power. This is just one of the topics covered in McIlvaine Renewable Energy Update and Projects. Excerpts from items on the subject follow.


During 2010, the Crown Estate in the UK announced that it had awarded development rights to a number of companies for eleven wave and tidal stream energy projects in the Pentland Firth and Orkney waters, with a total potential capacity of 1,600 MW.  This followed a leasing round that the Crown Estate ran between 2008 and 2010, which received considerable interest from industry.  The Pentland Firth and Orkney waters area is the first to be made available for commercial scale development of wave and tidal energy in Scotland and indeed the whole of the UK.  The projects are believed to represent the largest planned development of wave and tidal stream energy worldwide.


Work to develop the projects has now been underway in earnest for over a year.  The initial focus is on making preparations for statutory consents applications.


Initial levels of device deployment will be relatively low as technologies, installation methods and operations techniques are demonstrated.  If this is successful, the level of activity and the associated expenditure on project development may be expected to increase in the second half of the decade.




Wave energy company Aquamarine Power took the first step towards installation of its second full-scale Oyster wave energy converter (15 June) with the arrival of the “Excalibur” jack-up barge in Orkney.


The vessel is now stationed at the European Marine Energy Centre’s (EMEC) Billia Croo site, where the Oyster will be installed later this summer.  The jack-up barge will now begin drilling piles into the seabed to provide the foundation for the second generation device.


The next phase of installation will see Oyster being fixed to the seabed piles around 500 metres from shore.  This will be followed by a commissioning process which will see the device connected to an onshore hydro-electric generator via subsea pipelines.




The China Energy Conservation Environment Protection Group (CECEP), China’s leading renewable energy company, and Verdant Power, Inc., the leading U.S. tidal power developer, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to develop tidal energy power projects in China.  The MOU is the first of its kind between China and the U.S. involving marine and hydrokinetic power projects.


The MOU establishes tidal and river power devices as a new stream of U.S. exports to international markets.  It will also spur economic development and job growth in the U.S. and build momentum for a domestic tidal energy market.


Verdant Power is currently developing sustainable tidal power projects in the U.S. and Canada.  In New York City’s East River, the Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) Project will be the first grid-connected project that will provide New York City and the metropolitan area with up to 500 megawatts of pollution-free electricity from a field of underwater MHK turbines.




Alstom has taken a 40 percent equity share in Scottish renewable energy company AWS Ocean Energy, representing Alstom’s entry to the wave energy market.  Alstom will be a shareholder alongside Shell Technology Ventures Fund 1 and Scottish Investment Bank, who continue their support of AWS.


The move complements the existing activities of Alstom’s Ocean Energy business in Nantes, France, where the company is developing its 1 MW commercial-scale tidal turbine prototype, the Beluga 9.


Created in 2004, AWS Ocean Energy is currently focusing on the development and delivery of its AWS-III wave energy converter, a floating device with a rated power output of 2.5MW. 




Nitto Denko/Hydranautics and Statkraft have entered into an agreement for the development and supply of membranes for osmotic power.  The agreement between the two companies will accelerate the development of the new renewable energy technology.


Nitto Denko/Hydranautics is a global leader in membrane manufacturing and Statkraft is a European leader in renewable energy.


Statkraft has developed osmotic power for a decade and opened the world’s first prototype facility for osmotic power in 2009.  Membrane is a key component in osmotic power generation and the agreement between the two companies will accelerate the development of the new renewable energy technology.  Under the agreement, Nitto Denko/Hydranautics will develop membranes specifically designed for use in large scale osmotic power plants.  The development of more efficient membranes will contribute to making the technology competitive with other new, renewable energy sources and will bring osmotic power further towards future commercialization.


For more information on Renewable Energy Projects and Update please visit






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Bob McIlvaine
847 784 0012 ext 112






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