January 2011
No. 1


Opportunity to Receive DoD Funding to Demonstrate Projects for Managing Contaminated Groundwater and Contaminated Sediments In Situ

Environmental companies have the opportunity to win funding to demonstrate projects that meet current needs of the Department of Defense (DoD). The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) of DoD on January 13, 2011 called for proposals for two types of demonstration projects of particular interest to environmental remediation firms:  the management of contaminated groundwater and the in situ management of contaminated sediments.  Pre-proposals are due by 4:00 p.m. EST, March 8, 2011.

1)  Management of Contaminated Groundwater

“Demonstration projects are sought for tools, methodologies, or technologies that can reduce the cost of managing DoD’s long term liability associated with contaminated groundwater. Groundwater contaminants of concern include chlorinated solvents, energetic compounds, metals, emerging contaminants of interest to DoD, or mixtures of these contaminants. The primary focus of this topic area is innovative technologies and approaches for managing sites and the associated risks where contamination will persist for a significant period of time after an initial remedy is selected. Cost-effective management tools or technologies to specifically address dense, non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zones that cause persistent groundwater plumes are of interest. Proposed technologies also may address the risk characterization or remediation of vapors that emanate from contaminated groundwater. Optimization, assessment, and/or long-term monitoring tools related to remediation of contaminated groundwater will be considered.”

Contaminated groundwater is the greatest liability in the DoD cleanup program. The agency seeks to have a remedy in place at all of its active installations and its Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites by fiscal year 2014. In addition, it plans to have a remedy in place at all Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) by fiscal year 2020. The cost to complete remedy in place at these sites was calculated at $12.1 billion in fiscal year 2009. Groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents is often the most intractable problem at these sites. DoD says that “remedial costs are particularly high at sites, where (1) contamination is extensive, but concentrations are low, (2) DNAPL is present in the subsurface, (3) site hydrogeology is complex (e.g., fractured bedrock), or (4) site conditions require extensive long-term monitoring.

Green and sustainable remediation is also of interest to DoD, and when applicable, companies presenting proposals should consider how it may be addressed within the context of in situ remediation of contaminated groundwater.

2)  In Situ Management of Contaminated Sediments

“Demonstration projects are sought for innovative in situ technologies that specifically address the management, risk characterization, remediation, or monitoring of sediments contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), heavy metals, or mixtures containing these contaminants. Demonstrations of cost effective techniques for application of innovative amendments in deep water (greater than 20 feet) are of interest. In addition, demonstrations of technologies or tools are sought that address the critical needs for advancing the regulatory acceptance and implementation of measures of bioavailability into contaminated sediments cleanup activities. Contaminated marine, estuarine, brackish, and fresh water sediments are of interest. Proposals addressing sediments contaminated with radionuclides will not be considered.”

DoD is responsible for the management of thousands of sites with organic compounds and metals contamination in sediments. “A growing body of evidence suggests that sediment removal as a means of contaminant remediation can at times result in more ecological damage or show no measurable ecological improvement. Therefore, development of cost effective in situ management strategies for contaminated sediments at DoD sites is a critical need.”

(ESTCP is funding additional types of demonstration projects relating to military munitions, threatened plant species, technologies for monitoring vertebrate populations and sustainable energetic materials and manufacturing processes.)

For details on all proposals, see:

The point of contact is:

Dr. Andrea Leeson

Program Manager for Environmental Restoration (ER)

Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)

901 North Stuart Street, Suite 303

Arlington, VA 22203

Phone: 703-696-2118



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