November 2012
Corn Production Forecast Lowered
Growth Energy Working with Pump Equipment Manufacturers to Bring Higher Ethanol Blends to Consumers
New European Commission Proposal to Minimize the Climate Impacts of Biofuel Production
New Report Sees $25 Billion in U.S. Budget Savings from Switching Federal Freight Shipments to Carriers Using Alternative Fuels
Trade Organizations Announce Formation of Biofuel Producers Coordinating Council
Airlines for America (A4A) Commends the U.S. Navy for its Ongoing Commitment to Biofuels, ‘Green Fleet’ Demonstration
EM Biofuels Announces Rollout of RINPlus™
NREL Produces Ethylene via Photosynthesis
iDiverse Discovers Yeast Gene that Increases Fuel Ethanol Production Yield
CTBE (Brazil) to Acquire Equipment for Biomass Pretreatment Research
Corn Ethanol with Less Corn
A DEINOVE Bacteria Transforms Biomass into Second Generation Bioethanol
Dyadic Demonstrates Industry-Leading Biofuels Enzyme Performance
Plymouth Energy LLC Selects Edeniq to Increase Ethanol Production
Shell Grants Codexis Rights to Commercialize Cellulase Enzymes for Biofuels
NIB Funds Topsoe’s Catalyst Research for Efficient Biofuels Production
Enerkem Begins Ethanol Production from Waste at its Demonstration Facility in Westbury, Quebec
ZeaChem Completes Construction of Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefinery
INEOS Bio Facility Receives Registrations from U.S. EPA for Production and Sale of Next Generation Cellulosic Ethanol
KiOR Receives Fuel Registration from EPA for Renewable Gasoline
POET-DSM Makes Major Technology Process Purchase for Commercial Cellulosic Rio-Ethanol
GraalBio Licenses Beta Renewables’ PROESA Process to Build Brazil’s First Commercial Cellulosic Ethanol Plant
Brazilian Ethanol Giant Commits Investment to Cellulosic Ethanol Development with Iogen
Sundrop Fuels Partners with ThyssenKrupp Uhde for Inaugural Drop-In Biofuels Plant
Lignol Successfully Completes Enzyme Optimization Work with Novozymes
Beta Renewables and Novozymes to Form Strategic Partnership in the Cellulosic Biofuel Market
Epec Biofuels, an InterCore Energy Investment, Completes Supply Chain Partnership with Sweet Sorghum Pioneer BioDimensions Delta BioRenewables
ZeaChem Selected for $4.6 Million Award from California Energy Commission to Develop Renewable Low Carbon Biofuels
Dyadic and SEKAB Cooperate on Verifying Effective Enzymes for the Production of Cellulosic Sugars
DONG Energy Qualifies DSM Enzymes for Biomass to Cellulosic Bioethanol Refineries
Aemetis Granted Fifth U.S. Patent for Cellulosic Biochemical and Biofuel Technology
POET and Agrivida Sign Technology Collaboration Joint Development Agreement
Novozymes Partner Chemtex Receives USDA Commitment to Build Advanced Biofuels Plant in United States
BP Cancels Plans for U.S. Cellulosic Ethanol Plant
Algae Biomass Organization Applauds National Research Council Report that Finds Algal Fuels can Increase Energy Security and Decrease Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Sustainable Manner
Study Determines Theoretical Energy Benefits and Potential of Algae Fuels
Sapphire Energy’s Commercial Demonstration Algae-to-Energy Facility Now Operational
Second Phase of Innovative Technology Project to Capture CO2, Produce Biofuels Launched in Ohio
Heliae Breaks Ground on Commercial Demonstration Facility for Algae Production
Algae Tec Announces Commissioning of Advanced Algae to Biofuels Facility
OrginOil Ship First Production System to Paris-Based Ennesys, its European Urban Algae Venture
DOE’s Idaho National Laboratory Orders Two OriginOil Systems for Algae and Oil & Gas Applications
OrginOil Granted Patent in Australia for its Algae Harvesting Technology
Aurora Algae Secures Full $2 Million LEED Grant for Successful Production of Algae-Based Platform
Japanese Group Plans to Employ OrginOil’s Algae Harvesting Systems at More than 100 Sites
U.S. Navy’s ‘Great Green Fleet’ Remains Armed with Algae
Sapphire Energy and Institute of Systems Biology Partner on Commercial Algae Production
Joule Commissions First SunSprings™ Plant to Demonstrate Commercial Readiness
Algae.Tec and Lufthansa Sign Collaboration Agreement to Build Biofuel Production Facility in Europe
AFS BioOil Invites Strategic Partners to Tour its Algae Commercial Modules
Algae.Tec Biofuels Technology Featured at Berlin Airshow
Climatic Conditions Make Abu Dhabi Ideal for Commercial Production of Biofuels from Algae
Renewable Energy Group Applauds EPA’s Announcement of 1.28 Billion Gallon RVO for 2013
REG® Continues Biodiesel Production Growth with Texas Biorefinery Acquisition
AFS BioOil is on Track to Produce Biodiesel at $2 per Gallon in a Commercial System
Solazyme Receives Fuel Registration from EPA on Soladiesel®RD
Great Lakes Biodiesel Fosters Welland’s Growth into a Green and Thriving Community
Hawaiian Electric Receives Approval for Biodiesel Contract with Renewable Energy Group
Methes Energies Canada Inc. Receives U.S. EPA Approval as Foreign Renewable Fuel Producer
Stora Enso and Neste Oil to End their Biodiesel Project and Continue Cooperation on Other Bio Products
Universal Lubricants Announces Partnership with Sustainable Fuel Provider
Cooperative Fuel Supplier First to Offer Biodiesel Blends from New Lebanon Ohio Terminal
Tucson Area Petroleum Company to Offer Biodiesel Blends from New Mexico Terminal
REG Announces Biodiesel Availability via Terminal Agreement near Long Beach, CA
Biodiesel Producer and European Biodiesel Board Sued for False Statements
Butamax Expands Early Adopters Group as Two New Ethanol Producers Join for Early Access to Biobutanol Production
Gevo and Beta Renewable (Chemtex/TPG) Sign Agreement to Develop Integrated Process for Cellulosic Isobutanol
EU Approves MIR 162, Opens Doors to US DDGS, CGF
Fifteen Percent Ethanol Continues to Deliver Results
Advanced Biofuels Powers U.S. Naval Carrier Strike Force in Pacific Exercise
Biodico and Navy Sign Renewable Fuel Agreement
Federal Officials Mandating Minimum Four Gallon Gasoline Purchase from Certain Ethanol-Blend Pumps
Airlines for America (A4A) Lauds the Formation of Midwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative
United Airlines Joins Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group
Honeywell Green Jet Fuel™ Powers Gulfstream Flights to NBAA
Syntroleum Announces Dynamic Fuels Receipt of Renewable Gasoline Registration from EPA
Eco-Energy to Partner with NuStar in Development of Ethanol Unit Train and Storage Facility in Northern Virginia Market
BioFuel Energy
Renewable Energy Group
Green Plains Announces Agreement to Sell Agribusiness Assets
Lignol Announces Acquisition of Further Equity Stake in Australian Renewable Fuels Limited
Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings, Inc Announces Closing of Restructuring Transactions
Pacific Ethanol Announces New $10 Million Revolving Credit Line
Houston Bioenergy Company Terrabon Files for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Protection
Aemetis Announces Acquisition of Cilion and California Ethanol Plant
InterCore Energy Makes Equity Investment in Epec Biofuels Holdings
Amyris Enhances Strategic Partnership with Total for Renewable Diesel and Jet Fuels
Viaspace and Sung Chang Sign Term Sheets to Separate Viaspace and Viaspace Green Energy and for Licensing of Giant King Grass
Epec Biofuels Holdings Strategic Shift Pays Off in its Pursuit of Ethanol 2.0™
Edeniq and Flint Hills Resources Renewables Establish Joint Development Relationship
BioFuel Energy Receives Listing Extension; Announces Reverse Stock Split
Gavilon Enters into Ethanol and Distillers Dried Grains Marketing Agreements with Advanced BioEnergy LLC
Enerkem is Hiring in Edmonton, Alberta
Aemetis Announces Renewable Jet and Diesel Fuel Technology License Agreement with Chevron Lummus Global
Celanese TCX® Ethanol Technology Highlighted in U.S. Indonesia Agreement
Lallemand Ethanol Technology and Mascoma Announces TransFerm™ Brand Name
KiOR Using MetricStream for Compliance and Controls Management
GreenShift Receives Notice of Allowance for Corn Oil Extraction Patent Application
Butamax Expands Intellectual Property Portfolio with Innovative Biofuel Patent
Gevo Awarded Patent Covering Low-Cost Technology that Removes Isobutanol from Fermentation Broth
Paseo Biofuels, LLC Begins Expansion
Fulcrum BioEnergy Project Selected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to Receive $105 Million Loan Guarantee
Eco Ventures Awarded Local Permits for Biofuel Production; Company Anticipates Commencing Commercial Biofuel Production in First Quarter 2013
ICM Announces Contract with Western New York Energy
W2 Energy Completes Fabrication and Installation of its Newly Acquired Biodiesel Plant
Greenfield Project Latest in ICM’s Global Expansion into South America and Abroad
Bioethanol Facility at Cargill Bergen op Zoom Started Up