Data Search of Major Classification


Major Class Parent Descriptor Acronym Synonym Chinese Descriptor Spanish Descriptor Reference Definition
 Product  Sedimentation  Gravity           Gravedad     Depending on whether a gravity settling device is used for the purpose of thickening a product or clarifying a liquid it provides settling time plus a means to overflow the clarified liquid and collect and dispose of the solids. The use of plates and tubes lessens the settling distance and therefore makes the device more compact.


Other Children of:
Major Class Parent Descriptor Acronym Synonym Chinese Descriptor Spanish Descriptor Reference Definition
 Product  Gravity  Clarifier           Clarificador  AFS Glossary  A processing unit using flocculation processes to separate solids from liquid often in a non-turbulent zone where heavy solids settle out of solution. Often used for wastewater.
 Product  Gravity  Plate Settler           Placa de los colonos      
 Product  Gravity  Thickener           Espesante      
 Product  Gravity  Tube Settler           Tubo de los colonos